Your knowledge of the course material will be evaluated through exams,
quizzes, extra credit options and the completion of exercises.
· Exams There will be three exams (50 pts. each). Makeups will be given only in the event of a documented medical emergency. No exceptions to this policy will be made. Exact dates for exams will be given two weeks ahead and a study guide with questions and concepts is posted on the website.
Quiz There will also be a world place name quiz (20pts.) the date which will be announced well in advance. This quiz cannot be made up, so you must plan to attend on this dates.
Testing Format -Exams are comprehensive and will consist of mapping, short answer, multiple choice, video reviews, definitions, and essay questions. You will not only need to be able to understand the content, but be able to evaluate and comment on the material. No notes, aids, text or maps are allowed when taking the exams. Please bring mini-essay/scantron form #886e to all exam periods.
The quiz involves location identification and naming only, with no scantron form needed.
Exam Preparation – Students are responsible for all lecture content and reading material assigned. In addition, students will be given a study guide for each test, one week prior to the exam. These guides contain practice questions which may be asked on the exam. Students are encouraged to find the answers to the study guides, to compare ideas with fellow students and to ask the instructor when there is a question.
Lists of quiz place locations will be given to the student in advance for study.
Test Return/Review- Tests will be returned to the students with evaluation and review within two weeks of the test administration. Upon return, the tests will be reviewed in class for student learning. Often the return time is much shorter depending upon class size. The instructor personally examines each student’s work individually. This takes a great deal of time, but results in greater accuracy of evaluation. Students are encouraged to discuss their exam questions individually with the instructor.
· Exercises (150 pts.) There will be six required take home exercises given throughout the semester. These assignments are to be completed individually and will involve, mapping, reading, drawing, short answer, calculations and problem solving. Exercises may be turned in early but will not be given more than 50% credit if turned in late.
· Extra Credit Points will be offered for student participation in approved outside environmental events, lectures, projects, related field classes or internet projects. These options/activities will be announced in class.
Extra Credit may not substitute for quality of work on tests, quizzes and maps. The student must earn their appropriate grade, however, if a student is borderline between grades, the instructor will use these extra credit points to the advantage of the student. These outside of class activities greatly enrich the student learning process.
· Grades are calculated on a percent scale: 88% =A, 75% =B, 62% = C, 50% = D
Points Breakdown - Please keep track of your points and retain all returned papers and essay/scantron forms. You may also wish to come by my office during an office hour for a computer print-out of your current grade.
3 Exams@ 50pts each 150
World Place Name Quiz 20
6 Exercizes @ 25 pts each 150
Total 320 pts.
Evaluation of the student in the issuance of final grades is at the discretion of the instructor.
· Attendance is expected at all class sessions. Come to class prepared and on time. Students with inconsistent attendance may be dropped.
Your attendance is a critical component of the learning process. You cannot expect to succeed if you do not attend regularly. Even missing one class can be detrimental to your success. You are responsible for all material when absent.
There are no points given for attendance, however, your attendance will be a factor determining your success and final grade. Validation of an absence is not necessary except for long-term medical absences. Students must obtain any missed information from a fellow student in attendance. Please note that many lectures cannot be duplicated in note form due to the sophisticated imagery used in class.
If you are ill and contagious, please do not attend in consideration of others.
· Tardiness/Leaving Early – late arrivals and early departures distract both the instructor and your fellow learners. If you repeatedly disrupt the class through this inconsiderate behavior, you will be asked to leave the class. If you cannot attend on time for the entire class period, do not come to class.
· Work Submissions - Late work, if accepted, will be severely penalized . All assignments are due at the beginning of class. All out of class assignments must be written very neatly or typed, proofread, edited and stapled.
· Cheating/Plagiarism - Students are responsible for reading and understanding the Sierra College student handbook that outlines college policy regarding plagiarism and other forms of cheating. All answers on exercises, tests, or outside assignments must be your own original work. Copying of the text, another student’s work, the internet or any other outside source will result in a failed grade.
Attend class each session on time.
Come prepared to participate, learn and have fun.
Take extensive notes.
Read the assigned pages in your text and review your notes prior to each class.
Budget five to six hours per week for study/reading/mapping etc. for this course.
Prepare the study guide questions for each test.
Find a “study buddy” in the class and discuss course content.
Talk with friends/family about what you are learning in class.
Watch deadlines, budget your time and plan to complete assignments early.
Talk with the instructor about your progress, successes and your desired areas of improvement.
The Sierra College Learning Center website offers advice on topics including General Classroom Strategies, Reading from Textbooks Efficiently and Effectively, Test taking, Remembering, and Listening and Note taking.