Geography 570
07 Winter: Term 2; 3 Credits URL:
Instructor: B. Klinkenberg Room 209 (822-3534)
The class is scheduled to meet on Tuesdays at 1:00 - 4:00.
This course will cover a variety of topics of interest to those seeking more in-depth knowledge of GIS and ancillary topics such as remote sensing and spatial statistics. The exact range of subjects changes from year-to-year, depending on the specific interests of the students. Some of the topics which were covered in previous years include:
Historical background of GIS and its contextual setting today
(academic / technological / commercial) |
Geocoding and coordinate systems |
Raster / vector data structures (Fundamental GIS concepts) |
Remote sensing: basic concepts / advanced concepts |
Use of GIS by Indigenous groups |
Integration of remote sensing and GIS |
GIS: ethical concerns and surveillance |
Decision making in a GIS context |
Social/philosophical critiques of GIS |
Temporal GIS |
Generalization |
Spatial sampling |
Spatial interpolation |
Spatial statistics / geostatistics |
Landscape ecology and GIS |
Error modelling and data uncertainty |
Fuzzy logic |
The proposed schedule is based on a repeating four week schedule: two classes will be dedicated to detailed presentations by BK, one class will involve a field trip to a GIS company, and the fouth class will be a 'mini-conference' wherein members of the class present a short overview on a topic of their choice. Each presentee must provide a preliminary overview of their talk (e.g., a one page summary) the week before their presentation so that the rest of the class can get a sense of what will be presented. The one-page overview will summarize the subject area and include some appropriate references, including some URLs referencing off-campus sites with information related to the subject area.. The overview should be emailed to me so that it can be posted on the course web page. Each student will give three presentations over the course of the term. For general guidelines in preparing your presentation please refer to these presentation guidelines pages.
A final essay/project of 15-20 pages will complete the formal course requirements. The essay/project may include some practical work (i.e., GIS-based analyses), and will most likely be related to the student's thesis topic. The essay/project must be an original piece of work developed for this course. Students will have access to ArcGIS.
The UK Association for Geographic Information (AGI) home page contains some useful links, for example they have an online dictionary produced in conjunction with the AAG. The Scientific Literature Digital Library (citeseer) is a wonderful site that has many papers available in PDF or ps, and allows you to follow the cited references from paper to paper.
Material will be posted on the web as details of the class become finalized.
Schedule of Classes 2007/8
Week |
Topic |
Jan 8 |
First class -- decide on topics to be covered, mini-conference presentations, etc. |
Jan 15 |
Topic: PPGIS, critiques of GIS, ethical considerations, and more. |
Jan 22 |
Topic:Remote sensing and GIS integration |
Jan 29 |
Topic: Multi-criteria, multi-objective decision making in GIS |
Feb 5 |
Conference I: GIS and ?
Presenter |
Topic |
Presenter |
Topic |
Brooke Campbell |
Fuzzy logic in GIS |
Matt Tomlinson |
RS > GIS workflow overview |
Tabitha Hui |
Species distribution modeling |
Rory Tooke |
Combed RS & socio-economic data analysis |
Pano Skrivanos |
Incoporating TK into GIS |
Josh van Loon |
Multilevel modeling |
Feb 12 |
Field trip: NRCan |
Feb 19 |
Reading Break -- No classes scheduled. |
Feb 26 |
Conference II: Communication
Presenter |
Topic |
Presenter |
Topic |
Brooke Campbell |
Making effective and meaningful maps |
Matt Tomlinson |
3-D Vectorization in GIS |
Tabitha Hui |
Resolution and scale issues in GIS |
Rory Tooke |
3-D representations and models using LiDAR and GIS |
Pano Skrivanos |
Archaeological Potential Modelling – An Overview |
Josh van Loon |
Geographically Weighted Regression |
Mar 4 |
Topic: Spatial anlysis I |
Mar 11 |
Topic: Spatial analysis II |
Mar 18 |
Field trip: McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd. Please be at the entrance to their office at L100 780 Beatty Street by 1:15. |
Mar 25 |
Conference III: Applications of GIS
Presenter |
Topic |
Presenter |
Topic |
Brooke Campbell |
Common errors and fallacies in spatial analysis |
Matt Tomlinson |
Landscape ecology and GIS. |
Tabitha Hui |
Quantifying the effects of error and uncertainty. |
Rory Tooke |
Emerging applications for GIS in health mapping |
Pano Skrivanos |
Developing a spatial inventory. |
Josh van Loon |
Issues related to the use of GIS in walkability research |
April 1 |
Field trip (TBD): Hatfield Consultants |
April 8 |
Last week of classes |