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Kornbluth, Kurt, and Amy Smith, SP.721 D-Lab: Development, Dialogue and Delivery, Fall 2004. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), http://ocw.mit.edu (Accessed 11 Jul, 2010). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
D-Lab: Development, Dialogue and Delivery
Fall 2004
A D-Lab student tests a treadle pump during the IAP visit to Zambia. (Photo courtesy of Alfinio Flores. Used with permission.)
Course Highlights
This course features a complete set of lecture notes.
Course Description
D-Lab is a year-long series of courses and field trips. The fall class provides a basic background in international development and appropriate technology through guest speakers, case studies and hands-on exercises. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in an IAP fieldtrip to Haiti, India, Brazil, Honduras, Zambia, Samoa, or Lesotho and continue their work in a spring term design class. As part of the fall class, students will partner with community organizations in these countries and develop plans for the IAP site visit. In addition, students will learn about the culture, language, economics, politics and history of their host country.
SyllabusCourse Goals
- Gain awareness of third world communities and the technical challenges they face
- Learn about appropriate technologies for developing communities, their impact, and how they can be conceived, designed and implemented
- Understand the role MIT can play in helping and advancing developing communities throughout the world
- Learn the hands-on skills required to implement selected development projects
- Gain exposure to the culture, history, economic and developmental state of the host countries
- Work with community organizations to prepare field projects for the IAP fieldtrips
Trip Leaders
In addition to the instructors, several students make important contributions to D-Lab as Trip Leaders.
Brazil: Leo Burd
Ghana: Jamy Drouillard
Honduras: Elizabeth Basha, Marta Fernandez-Suarez
India: Sam Davies
Lesotho: Matt Orosz, Kate Steel
Samoa: Sala Mcguire
Zambia: Will DelHagen
Smillie, Ian. Mastering the Machine Revisited: Poverty, Aid and Technology. Bourton-on-Dunsmore, UK: ITDG Publishing, 2000. ISBN: 9781853395079.
Readings from this book will be supplemented by many articles and other resources.
This is a nine-unit class: four hours a week will be spent in class and the remaining five hours will be spent working on readings, homework, and developing the field projects. Because much of the work for this seminar will be done during class time, attendance is essential. Students missing a class meeting should contact the instructors to make up the work. This seminar is graded on a A/B/C/F basis, furthermore it is a class where your work is impacting the lives of people around the world and we expect an appropriate level of commitment.
Grading Table
In-class Assignments and Participation |
30% |
Homework and Writing Assignments |
25% |
Sector Paper |
15% |
Quiz |
15% |
Final Presentation |
15% |
The course calendar includes lectures, project-oriented recitation sessions, and a few labs. On average, each week includes two lecture sessions and one recitation or lab, but this is not strictly followed every week.
SES # |
1 |
Introduction: Appropriate Technologies in the Developing World |
Amy Smith |
2 |
Appropriate Technology and Intermediate Technology |
Amy Smith |
Writing 1 due |
3 |
Participatory Development
Role Playing Exercise |
Amy Smith |
4 |
Stakeholder Analysis
Perspectives on Development |
Amy Smith, Kurt Kornbluth, and Prof. Mitch Resnick, MIT |
Homework 1 due |
5 |
Presentations on Countries and Projects |
6 |
Water Issues in the Developing World
Lab: Water Lab |
Amy Smith |
Homework 2 due |
7 |
Water Treatment Systems |
Daniele Lantagne, CDC |
8 |
Project Team Meetings |
9 |
DISACARE Case Study |
Kurt Kornbluth |
Homework 3 due |
10 |
Manufacturing in Developing Countries |
Amy Smith and Kurt Kornbluth |
11 |
Initial Project Presentations |
Homework 4 due |
12 |
Manufacturing Lab: Wheelchair Fabrication |
Kurt Kornbluth |
13 |
R & D for Sustainable Development in Rural Areas |
Anil Rajvanshi, NARI |
14 |
Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid |
Allan Hammond, WRI |
Writing 2 due |
15 |
Poverty Reduction Schemes |
Amy Smith |
16 |
Project Team Meetings |
17 |
Agricultural Technology Showcase I |
Amy Smith |
18 |
Agricultural Technology Showcase II |
Paul Polak, IDE |
19 |
Lab: Cooking Lab |
Writing 3 due |
20 |
Energy Issues in Developing Countries |
Quiz due |
21 |
Lab: Solar Energy and Lighting |
Homework 5 due |
22 |
Project Status Presentations |
Team Leads |
23 |
Photo-voltaic System Design |
Dr. Jim Bales, MIT |
24 |
Life Cycle Analysis
Lab: Charcoal Manufacture |
Kurt Kornbluth |
25 |
Project Team Meetings |
26 |
Health Issues in the Developing World |
Claire Pierre MD, Cambridge Health Alliance |
27 |
Humanitarian Bridge Building |
Toni Ruttimann |
28 |
Sanitation and Latrine Technology |
Laura Orlando, ReSource |
29 |
Lab: Latrine Building |
Amy Deora, MIT |
30 |
Gender Issues in Development |
Prof. Christine Walley, MIT |
31 |
ICT4D (Information and Communications Technologies for Development) |
Leo Burd, MIT |
32 |
Project Team Meetings |
Homework 6 due |
33 |
Field Project Logistics
Trip Planning
Travel Information, Health, Safety |
Amy Smith and Kurt Kornbluth |
34 |
Survey and Assessment Techniques |
Sumi Ariely, MIT |
35 |
The Better World Workshop |
Carl Bielenberg |
36 |
Project Team Meetings |
Writing 4 due |
37 |
Medical Anthropology - Prosthetics |
Steve Kurzman |
38 |
Final Presentations
Evaluations |
Homework 7 due |
Further Reading:
Mastering the Machine Revisited readings are from the course text: Smillie, Ian. Mastering the Machine Revisited: Poverty, Aid and Technology. Bourton-on-Dunsmore, UK: ITDG Publishing, 2000. ISBN: 9781853395079.
Readings Table
Introduction: Appropriate Technologies in the Developing World
Schumacher, E. F. "Social and Economic Problems Calling for the Development of Intermediate Technology." Part III, Chapter 2 in Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered. New York: Harper Perennial, 1989, pp. 181-201. ISBN: 9780060916305.
Crosette, B. "Kofi Annan's Astonishing Facts."
Appropriate Technology and Intermediate Technology
Hawthorne, Peter. "Power to the People." Time Magazine, 1997.
Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 3-34, 86-103.
Participatory Development
Role Playing Exercise
Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 35-66.
Fischer, G. "Beyond Couch Potatoes: From Consumers to Designers and Active Contributors." First Monday 7, no. 12 (December 2002).
Stakeholder Analysis
Perspectives on Development
Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 69-85.
Presentations on Countries and Projects
"Water for People, Water for Life." UNESCO (PDF)
Water Issues in the Developing World
Lab: Water Lab
Sobsey, M. "Managing Water in the Home: Accelerated Health Gains from Improved Water Supply." Sections 1-7. World Health Organization, 2002.
Project: Team Meetings
D-Lab Case Study: "Wheelchairs in Zambia"
In-class Reading and Discussion: Disacare Case Study Supplement (PDF - 2.8 MB)
"Manufacturing Enterprise." ITDG.
Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 171-186.
Manufacturing in Developing Countries
Warschauer, Mark. "Reconceptualizing the Digital Divide." First Monday 7, no. 7 (July 2002).
Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid
Hammond, A., and C. K. Prahald. "What Works: Serving the Poor, Profitably." World Resources Institute. (PDF)
Mainsah, E., S. Heuer, A. Kalra, and Q. Zhang. "Grameen Bank: Taking Capitalism to the Poor." (PDF)
Agricultural Technology Showcase I
Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 104-136.
Agricultural Technology Showcase II
D-Lab Case Study: "Oilseed Press"
Atkinson, H. J., J. Green, S. Cowgill, and A. Levesley. "The case for genetically modified crops with a poverty focus." Trends in Biotechnology 19, no. 3 (2001): 91-96.
Wijeratna, A. "The GM Mirage Will Not Help the Poor." The Guardian, 4 June 2003.
Energy Issues in Developing Countries
Distributed Power Modeling and Lifecycle Assessment (PDF)
Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 137-153.
Lab: Solar Energy and Lighting
UN Development Programme, World Energy Assessment.
Chapter 1: Energy and Major Global Issues (PDF)
Chapter 2: Energy and Social Issues (PDF)
Photo-voltaic System Design
Shapouri, H., et al. "The Energy Balance of Corn Ethanol: An Update." USDA. (PDF)
Segelken, R. "Subsidized Food Burning." Cornell Chronicle, 23 August 2001.
Life Cycle Analysis
Lab: Charcoal Manufacture
Gordon, B., et al. "Inheriting the World: The Atlas of Children's Health and the Environment." World Health Organization, 2004.
Health Issues in the Developing World
"Smoke: The Killer in the Kitchen." ITDG.
Humanitarian Bridge Building
Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 200-213.
Sanitation and Latrine Technology
Hafkin, N., and N. Taggart. "Supporting Women's Use of Information Technologies for Sustainable Development."
Gender Issues in Development
Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 189-199.
ICT4D (Information and Communications Technologies for Development)
Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 214-245.
Survey and Assessment Techniques
Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 154-170.
The Better World Workshop
Mastering the Machine Revisited. pp. 246-261.
1. "Water for People, Water for Life." UNESCO
2. In-class Reading and Discussion: Disacare Case Study Supplement
3. Hammond, A., and C. K. Prahald. "What Works: Serving the Poor, Profitably." World Resources Institute
4. Mainsah, E., S. Heuer, A. Kalra, and Q. Zhang. "Grameen Bank: Taking Capitalism to the Poor
5. Distributed Power Modeling and Lifecycle Assessment
6. Chapter 1: Energy and Major Global Issues
7. Chapter 2: Energy and Social Issues
8. Shapouri, H., et al. "The Energy Balance of Corn Ethanol: An Update." USDA
Related Resources
The D-Lab Project Portfolio presents some highlights of work done by other D-Lab teams over the past several years.
ITDG - The Intermediate Technology Development Group - was founded in 1966 by the economist Dr. E. F. Schumacher and it aims to demonstrate and advocate the sustainable use of technology to reduce poverty in developing countries. ITDG is a charity registered in the United Kingdom which works directly in four regions of the developing world - Latin America, East Africa, Southern Africa and South Asia, with particular concentration on Peru, Kenya, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal. There are many useful articles and technical briefs available for free on their Web site.
IDE is a non-profit organization that has developed special expertise in water technologies for small-scale irrigation and safe drinking water. They have a variety of technical articles, mostly related to irrigation and water treatment, available for free download in the "Library" section of their site.
Whirlwind Wheelchair International designed the Whirlwind wheelchair, a lightweight, low-cost, high-performance, durable wheelchair designed to be effective in the rough urban and rural conditions of developing countries.
The World Resources Institute focuses on environmental issues such as climate change, costal and marine ecosystems, and the economics of a sustainable approach to business.
The Digital Dividend Project is a branch of the World Resources Institute that works to identify and promote large scale uses of information and communication technology so as to create positive change in the societies and economies of developing countries.
The Light Up The World Foundation works to provide inexpensive, near permanent electric lighting to developing countries by taking advantage of high wattage LED technology.
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