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General information |
1 |
Matrices are useful in spectroscopic theory |
1 (S) |
Spectroscopic notation, good quantum numbers, perturbation theory and secular equations, non-orthonormal basis sets, transformation of matrix elements of any operator into perturbed basis set |
2 |
Coupled harmonic oscillators: Truncation of an infinite matrix |
2 (S) |
Matrix solution of harmonic oscillator problem, derivation of heisenberg equation of motion, matrix elements of any function of X and P |
3 |
Coupled harmonic oscillators (part II) and atoms |
3 (S) |
Anharmonic oscillator, vibration-rotation interaction, energy levels of a vibrating rotor |
4 |
How do we get information about V(Q) from molecular constants? |
4 (S) |
Construction of potential curves by the rydberg-klein-rees method |
5 |
Atoms: 1e- and alkali |
6 |
Alkali and many e- atomic spectra |
7 |
Many e- atoms |
8 |
How to assign an atomic spectrum |
9 |
The Born-Oppenheimer approximation |
9 (S) |
Excerpts from the spectra and dynamics of diatomic molecules |
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The Born-Oppenheimer approach to transitions |
11 |
Transitions II |
11 (S) |
Magnetic and electric effects, related papers |
12 |
Pictures of spectra and notation |
13 |
Rotational assignment of diatomic electronic spectra I |
13 (S) |
Drexium monoxide |
14 |
Laser schemes for rotational assignment first lines for ?', ?" assignments |
15 |
Definition of angular momenta and | A α MA >Evaluation of 
15 (S) |
Rotation and angular momenta |
16 |
2∏ and 2∑ Matrices |
17 |
Parity and e/f basis for 2∏, 2∑± |
18 |
Hund's cases: 2∏, 2∑± Examples |
18 (S) |
Energy level structure of 2∏ and 2∑ states, matrix elements for 2∏ and 2∑ including ∏ ~ ∑ perturbation, parity |
19 |
Perturbations |
19 (S) |
A model for the perturbations and fine structure of the ∏ states of CO, factorization of perturbation parameters, the electronic perturbation parameters |
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Second-order effects |
20 (S) |
Second-order effects: Centrifugal distortion and Λ-doubling |
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Rotation of polyatomic molecules I |
21 (S) |
Coefficients for energy levels of a slightly asymmetric top, energy levels of a rigid rotor, transition strengths for rotational transitions |
22 |
Asymmetric top |
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Pure rotation spectra of polyatomic molecules |
23 (S) |
Energy levels of a rigid rotor, energy levels of an asymmetric rotor |
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Polyatomic vibrations: Normal mode calculations |
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Polyatomic vibrations II: s-Vectors, G-matrix, and Eckart condition |
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Polyatomic vibrations III: s-vectors and H2O |
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Polyatomic vibrations IV: Symmetry |
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Normal↔local modes, High-overtone spectra |
28 (S) |
Summaries of articles by K. Lehmann, B. C. Smith, J. S. Winn, K. Lehmann, W. Klemperer, and M. S. Child and R. T. Lawton |
29 |
A Sprint through group theory |
30 |
What is in a character table and how do we use it? |
30 (S) |
Symmetry operations |
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Electronic spectra of polyatomic molecules |
31 (S) |
Excerpts of articles by K. Keith Innes, G. W. King, C. K. Ingold, M. Bogey, H. Bolvin, C. Demuynck, and J. L. Destombes |
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The transition |
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Vibronic coupling |
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Wavepacket dynamics |
34 (S) |
Abstract of article by M. Bixon and J. Jortner |
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Finish wavepacket dynamics |
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CNPI group theory |
36 (S) |
C2H2 has many isomeric forms |
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Laser double resonance studies of electronic spectroscopy and vibrational state mixing in highly vibrationally excited C2H2 |
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Laser double resonance studies of Ã1Au C2H2 |