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Confronting the Burden of Injuries

Fall 2005

Vehicle with severe damage from a traffic accident



Adnan Hyder and Maria Segui-Gomez

Offered By

International Health and Health Policy and Management


Confronting the Burden of Injuries- A Global Perspective is a course offered by the Department of International Health and the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University.

This course is intended to guide students interested in working on injury control in areas with little to no tradition in injury prevention from a public health perspective.

Students will learn to define the injury problem and assess its magnitude; identify data sources and assess the quality of the data; identify which agencies or institutions should be involved in the solution of the problem; identify which interventions are in place and need to be implemented and evaluated; produce a strategic plan for the establishment and/or improvement of injury prevention programs in such areas; and present such a plan to authorities in a compelling manner.


Course Description

Confronting the Burden of Injuries- A Global Perspective is a course offered by the Department of International Health and the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University.

This course is intended to guide students interested in working on injury control in areas with little to no tradition in injury prevention from a public health perspective.

Students will learn to define the injury problem and assess its magnitude; identify data sources and assess the quality of the data; identify which agencies or institutions should be involved in the solution of the problem; identify which interventions are in place and need to be implemented and evaluated; produce a strategic plan for the establishment and/or improvement of injury prevention programs in such areas; and present such a plan to authorities in a compelling manner.

Course Objectives

After completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the current estimates of the burden of injuries globally.
  • Describe approaches to measuring the burden of injuries, including costs.
  • Assess the magnitude of the problem and evaluate the current/potential interventions.
  • Use data for policy development and provide tools to conduct policy analysis for reduction of injury burden.

Course Requirements

This course involves an innovative action plan.

Reading Assignments : Before accessing each lecture, you are to read the assigned articles in your course reading packet.

Lectures : You are to complete all lectures during the term.

Assignment : Throughout the course, you will be asked to start working on different sections of your assignment. We believe that the best way to evaluate whether you have achieved the course goals is to ask you to develop an argument for an injury prevention program. In Part 2, you will present your arguments in the form of a memo. Your preparatory work will be submitted as the Part 1 assignment (basically a first draft of the final project).

Part 2 is to reflect your best effort at convincing reluctant high officials of some particular geographical region of the need for and the advantages of implementing a particular injury prevention activity. You should place specific emphasis on determining 1) the burden of the injury problem in that particular region, and 2) the possibility of improving the situation by implementing appropriate injury prevention programs. The geographical region and the intervention to propose are your choice.

Course Topics

This course covers the following topics:

  • Module 1 introduces the course and its goals, discusses course logistics, reviews injury prevention concepts, and presents the need for implementation of injury prevention interventions throughout the world.
  • Module 2 introduces methods for assessing the magnitude of the injury problem in terms of mortality, morbidity, disability, costs, and exposure.
  • Module 3 consists of complementary sessions that present case studies in greater detail.
  • Module 4 explains how injury prevention interventions are selected, implemented, enforced, and evaluated. Also highlighted in this module are methodological issues related to evaluation.
  • Module 5 describes the state of emergency services and trauma systems around the world and presents essential features of a responsive acute care system for injuries.
  • Module 6 will be devoted to complementary aspects of injury prevention, including alcohol.


Module 1: Introduction
Welcome Video Video
Review Lecture (Optional)
Exercise for optional review lecture Exercise (Optional)
Introduction Lecture 1
Module 2: Assessing the Magnitude of Injury Problems
Mortality Lecture 2
Morbidity Lecture 3
Events Lecture 4
Cost Lecture 5
  Assignment 1
Module 3: Injuries in South Asia
South Asia Case Study Lecture 6
Module 4: Injury Prevention Interventions
Evaluation Lecture 7
Evaluation Case Study Lecture 8
Module 5: Acute Care
Acute Care Lecture 9
Module 6: Complementary Aspects of Injury Prevention
Alcohol Lecture 10
Boundaries Lecture 11
  Assignment 2
  Assignment 3   Tell A Friend