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Social Studies > Writing and Humanistic Studies > Digital Poetry
 Digital Poetry  posted by  duggu   on 12/26/2007  Add Courseware to favorites Add To Favorites  
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Barrett, Edward, 21W.772 Digital Poetry, Fall 2005. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed 09 Jul, 2010). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

Digital earth and digital poetry.

Digital earth and digital poetry. (Image courtesy of Digital Earth. Adapted by MIT OCW.)

Course Highlights

This course features digital and new media poetry Web links in the related resources section.

Course Description

This class investigates theory and practice of digital or new media poetry with emphasis on workshop review of digital poetry created by students. Each week students examine published examples of digital poetry in a variety of forms including but not limited to soundscapes, hypertext poetry, animation, code poems, interactive games, location-based poems using handheld devices, digital video and wikis.




This class investigates theory and practice of digital or new media poetry with emphasis on workshop review of digital poetry created by students. Each week students examine published examples of digital poetry in a variety of forms including but not limited to soundscapes, hypertext poetry, animation, code poems, interactive games, location-based poems using handheld devices, digital video and wikis. Students then create their own poetry in each of these forms and present their work in class for extensive workshop discussion. For some assignments students may work in small collaborative groups. Sharing technical expertise is encouraged. In addition, certain key essays by a range of authors in the history of new media development will be discussed. Non-digital experimental art that has influenced new media poetry will also be discussed each week. Trips to the MIT List Visual Gallery and other Boston-area galleries and museums will also be arranged when relevant exhibits have been scheduled.


Activities Percentages
Assessment of Weekly Writing Assignments (Including Brief Analytic Essays) 60%
Final Project 30%
Class Participation 10%


Since this class emphasizes writing and workshop review, attendance is mandatory.





Class Schedule


Week # Topics Key dates
1 D: Introduction to Digital Poetry with Discussion of History of New Media Poetry, Definition of Key Terms, and Discussion of Computational Models of Writing (Bush, Nelson, Joyce)

D: Discussion of Remediation in Poetry
2 D: Image and Metaphor in Poetry and Digital Forms

D: Discussion of Relevant Mass-media Forms (Graphic Novels, Comics, the Photographic Essay)

W: Soundscape Poem
Remediation of "The Altar" into a soundscape assignment due
3 D: Hypertext and Non-linear Compositional Techniques

W: Visual Poem
Remediation of first assignment into a digital visual environment due
4 D: Wikis and Collaborative Authoring Over Networks, Authorial Imperative Versus Reader-centered Writing  
5 D: Processuality, OuLiPo Experiments, "Listening Post" (Check the List Visual Art Gallery Online Archive For Discussion of this Installation)

W: Hypertext Poem
Hypertext poems due
6 D: Interactivity in New Media Poems, Digital Poetry and Games

W: Process Poem
Process poem due
7 D: Location-based Writing and Mobile Digital Devices

D: Podcasting

W: Game Poem
Game poem due
8 D: Installation and Performance Poetry

D: Code Poems

W: Location-based Poem
Location-based poem due
9 D: Hypermediality, Digital Video

W: Installation or Code Poem
Performance poem or code poem due
10 D: Analysis of Hypermediality from Author and Audience Perspectives

W: Video Poem
Complete video poem due
11 D: Analysis of Collaboration in Creation and Reception of Digital Poetry

W: Wiki Poem
Wiki poem due
12 Review Final Projects  
13 Review Final Projects (cont.) Hardcopy portfolio reviews due   Tell A Friend