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Management > Business Administration > Strategic Management II
 Strategic Management II  posted by  duggu   on 1/22/2008  Add Courseware to favorites Add To Favorites  
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Hax, Arnoldo, 15.904 Strategic Management II, Fall 2005. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed 11 Jul, 2010). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

Strategic management framework.

One of the five strategic management frameworks explained in Lecture 1. (Diagram by Prof. Arnoldo Hax. Photograph courtesy of Jon Sepúlveda, stock.xchng.)

Course Highlights

This course features a set of lecture notes as well as a complete set of readings.

Course Description

This course is intended to be an extension of course 15.902, Strategic Management I, with the purpose of allowing the students to experience an in-depth application of the concepts and frameworks of strategic management. Throughout the course, Prof. Arnoldo Hax will discuss the appropriate methodologies, concepts, and tools pertinent to strategic analyses and will illustrate their use by discussing many applications in real-life settings, drawn from his own personal experiences.

*Some translations represent previous versions of courses.





Broad Description of the Course

This course is intended to be an extension of course 15.902, Strategic Management I, with the purpose of allowing the students to experience an in-depth application of the concepts and frameworks of strategic management. Throughout the course, Prof. Arnoldo Hax will discuss the appropriate methodologies, concepts, and tools pertinent to strategic analyses and will illustrate their use by discussing many applications in real-life settings, drawn from his own personal experiences.

Teaching Methodology

The primary focus of the course will be on students working in teams to develop the strategic analysis of a business of their choice.

Required Textbooks

Hax, Arnoldo C., and Nicolas S. Majluf. The Strategy Concept and Process: A Pragmatic Approach. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Prentice Hall, 1996. ISBN: 0134588940.

Hax, Arnoldo C., and Dean L. Wilde. The Delta Project: Discovering New Sources of Profitability. New York, NY: Palgrave, 2001. ISBN: 0333962451.

Readings from these books will be reassigned to allow for further more in-depth reflection on each relevant topic.


The requirements are two-fold:

Group Assignment for the Development of a Business Strategy

The students will select their own groups, between 4 and 6 members per group, to develop a full business strategy. The students will present a written report. At the end of the course, the report should address the following issues:

  • Executive Summary
  • Customer Segmentation and Customer Value Proposition
  • The Bundle of Competencies
  • Mission of the Business
  • Strategic Agenda of the Business
  • Customer Targeting
  • Operational Effectiveness
  • Innovation
  • Aggregate and Granular Metrics
  • Economic Evaluation of the Business Strategy
  • Conclusions

The final deadline for the project report is Ses #14.

Class Participation

Your active participation in the discussion in class is considered very important in this course. On the first session of every week, the student groups are required to make a brief oral presentation on the progress of their work.


ses # topics key dates
1 Course Overview  
2 Customer Segmentation and Customer Value Proposition  
3 Group Presentations

Customer Segmentation and Customer Value Proposition
Assignment 1: Customer Segmentation and Customer Value Proposition
4 The Firm as a Bundle of Competencies  
5 Group Presentations

The Firm as a Bundle of Competencies
Assignment 2: Bundle of Competencies
6 The Mission of the Firm and the Craft of the Strategic Agenda  
7 Group Presentations

Mission and Strategic Agenda
Assignment 3: Mission and Strategic Agenda
8 Operational Effectiveness  
9 Group Presentations

Operational Effectiveness
Assignment 4: Operational Effectiveness
10 Innovation  
11 Group Presentations

Assignment 5: Innovation
12 Aggregate and Granular Metrics and Financial Evaluation  
13 Group Presentations

Aggregate and Granular Metrics and Financial Evaluation
Assignment 6: Aggregate and Granular Metrics and Financial Evaluation
14 Final Wrap-up Assignment 7: Final Report and Executive Summary   Tell A Friend