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 What children's perspectives tell us about inclusi  posted by  member150_php   on 3/12/2009  Add Courseware to favorites Add To Favorites  
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What children's perspectives tell us about inclusion

  • Time: 4 hours
    Level: Introductor


  •  Introduction Resource
  • The underlying premise of this unit is that we are all experts in different ways, and that our different experiences and understandings are of value. Inclusive education is presented and discussed as under...

What children's perspectives tell us about inclusion

  •  What children's perspectives tell us about inclusion Resource
  • Every child's experience of education is different and this means that inevitably all children will be at different stages of the ‘journey’ towards inclusion that we are considering in this unit. In reflecting..

Why do you come here?

  •  Children's perceptions of play and learning Resource
  • An innovative study looked at why children thought they came to their particular schools and centres. Researchers collected the things that children said and analysed the ways in which they said them....
  •  How older pupils view school Resource
  • For older children the work of school becomes less important in itself. Research that explored Scottish secondary school pupils' ideas about why they went to school revealed that for many pupils school...
  •  Gender bias in experiences of education Resource
  • Research shows that historically boys, in fact, were 70 per cent more likely to receive additional help than girls, when all other factors, such as academic test scores, behaviour ratings and family background,...
  •  Different classrooms, different experiences Resource
  • The inclusive classroom is one that provides for the learning of a diverse range of children. The pupils in the above example were in streamed secondary education. The 1997 White Paper on education (DfEE,...
  •  Children's attitude to mixed-ability groupings Resource
  • Sue Lyle interviewed children from a school in Swansea that had run a ‘mixed ability’ and ‘mixed gender’ project designed to improve pupils’ literacy. The tasks in the project were designed so that pupils...

What makes you happy at school?

  •  The importance of friendship Resource
  • When children are asked about the things that are important in their experience of education one factor appears to be important above all others – friendship.
  •  The effect of bullying Resource
  • When asked about what makes them unhappy the most commonly cited factor was bullying, either directly of themselves or of others within the school. Children gave the following reasons for feeling unhappy:...
  •  Feeling safe and secure in school Resource
  • As we noted above, children place importance on feeling safe and secure. This desire could be used as an argument both in favour of and against inclusive education. It is a fundamental characteristic of...

References and Acknowledgements

  •   References Resource
  •   Acknowledgements   Tell A Friend