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Preventing Infant Mortality and Promoting the Health of Women, Infants, and Children

Spring 2006

An Indonesian infant is weighed for a health monitoring checkup
An Indonesian infant is weighed for a health monitoring checkup.



Melissa Hawkins

Offered By

Population and Family Health Sciences


This course focuses on the historical problems and interventions associated with infant mortality. Describes the scientific basis for infant mortality and analyzes causes and consequences in a population and development of a programmatic and policy approach.


Course Description

This course focuses on the historical problems and interventions associated with infant mortality. Describes the scientific basis for infant mortality and analyzes causes and consequences in a population and development of a programmatic and policy approach.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the scientific basis for infant mortality and for the interventions currently being used to address this problem.
  • Analyze the causes and consequences of high infant mortality in a population.
  • Develop programmatic approaches and policies to reduce infant mortality rates in a population.


An introductory course in epidemiology is suggested. Knowledge of statistics and familiarity with research methods is also recommended. However, you are invited to take this course without having any of these prerequisites at your own educational risk.


Welcome to "Preventing Infant Mortality" Introductory Video
Introduction to the Problem of Infant Mortality Lecture
History of Infant Mortality Self Quiz
Epidemiology of Infant Morality I: Terminology and Immediate Causes of Infant Mortality Lecture
Calculating Birth Weight Specific Neonatal Mortality Rates (NMRs) Self Quiz
Epidemiology of Infant Mortality II: Person, Place, and Time Rate Ratios of IMR, NMR, and PNMR
Conceptual Frameworks for Understanding Infant Mortality
Guest Lecturer: Patricia O'Campo
Strategies for Reducing Low Birth Weight and Infant Mortality in the U.S.
Guest Lecturer: Donna Strobino
Interventions for Reducing LBW and IM Self Quiz
International and National Approaches to the Problem of Infant Mortality
Guest Lecturer: Patricia O'Campo
Current Controversies in Perinatal Health
Guest Lecturer: Donna Strobino
Racial Differences in Pregnancy Outcomes
Guest Lecturer: Donna Strobino
Measures of Neonatal Morbidity
Guest Lecturer: Donna Strobino
Evaluating the Prevention of Infant Mortality Lecture
Declines in Neonatal and Infant Mortality Self Quiz
Addressing the Disparity of IM among African-Americans and White Infants: Approaches for Clinicians and Policymakers
Guest Lecturer: Bernard Guyer
Public Policy and Infant Mortality
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