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Vickers, Robert, 17.908 Reading Seminar in Social Science: Intelligence and National Security, Fall 2005. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed 09 Jul, 2010). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

Reading Seminar in Social Science: Intelligence and National Security

Fall 2005

Starlight information modeling.
Starlight information modeling. Originally developed for the U.S. Intelligence community. (Image courtesy of the: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.)

Course Highlights

This course features lecture outlines and exam questions.

Course Description

This course will examine the origins, structure and functions of the U.S. Intelligence Community and its relationship to national security policy. It will look in some detail at the key intelligence agencies and the functions they perform, including collection, analysis, counterintelligence and covert action. It will also look at some of the key intelligence missions, such as strategic warning, counterterrorism, counterproliferation, and counterinsurgency. Finally, it will examine some of the major controversies concerning intelligence, including its successes and failures, relationship to policymakers, congressional oversight, and the need for reform.



This course will examine the origins, structure and functions of the U.S. Intelligence Community and its relationship to national security policy. It will look in some detail at the key intelligence agencies and the functions they perform, including collection, analysis, counterintelligence and covert action. It will also look at some of the key intelligence missions, such as strategic warning, counterterrorism, counterproliferation, and counterinsurgency. Finally, it will examine some of the major controversies concerning intelligence, including its successes and failures, relationship to policymakers, congressional oversight, and the need for reform.

The Tuesday session will consist primarily of a lecture based on the required readings. The Thursday session will consist of class exercises, including discussions of major intelligence topics drawn from the media, production of draft current and estimative intelligence items, and debates of controversial intelligence issues.


Class participation is important and will consist of 20% of the grade. Another 20% will be based on class papers and exercises, and the last 60% will be based on the mid-term (20%) and final (40%) exam.

Class Participation 20%
Class Papers and Exercises 20%
Mid-term Exam 20%
Final Exam 40%


Lec # Topics
1 Introduction

This session will provide a brief overview of the course, discuss the required readings and class exercises, and the expected student participation. It will also ask the question of what is intelligence, how it relates to policy, and why is it necessary in a democratic society.
2 Origins and Functions of the Intelligence Community

This session looks at the origins if the Intelligence Community (IC) and its current functions and processes.
3 The Current Intelligence Community Structure and Budget

This session will examine in some detail the current structure and budget of the IC, focusing on the major agencies, their traditional roles, and proposals for change and reform in the post 9/11 environment. Students will debate the issue of centralization vs. decentralization of national intelligence.
4 Technical Collection and Open Source

This session will discuss the ICs technical collection capabilities, especially Sigint and Imint, as well as the need for more open source input. It will also discuss classification issues and the shortcomings of technical collection in the war on terrorism. Students will debate the issue of technical vs. human collection and the value of open source information.
5 Human Collection and Counterintelligence

This session will discuss the need for human collection to wage the war on terrorism and support nonproliferation of WMD, as well as the requirement for strong counterintelligence efforts. The problems of human collection will be discussed, and students will debate the issue of the tension between human collection and counterintelligence.
6 Analysis and Politicization

This session will examine how the IC interacts in theory and practice, the different types of intelligence, especially current and estimative, and the difference between puzzles and mysteries. It will also look at the role of the National Intelligence Council in producing joint intelligence products and the issues of dissent and politicization. Students will produce a draft current intelligence item.
7 Intelligence and National Policy

This session will looks closely at the interaction between intelligence and policy, and why it sometimes used and sometimes ignored. It will also look in more detail at the danger of politicization, with the Iraq WMD estimate as a case study. Students will produce a draft national intelligence estimate terms of reference.
8 Surprise Attack and Strategic Warning

This session will examine the role of strategic warning and the difference between strategic and tactical warning. It will also look at the difference between capabilities and intentions. Finally, it will discuss how strategic warning is currently done in the IC. Students will debate the issue of policy successes and warning failures, and whether some warning failures are inevitable.
9 Military Intelligence and Counterinsurgency

This session focuses on the use of intelligence for military support. It also discusses the role of intelligence in military operations and its special problems in fighting insurgents and terrorist as opposed to supporting convention wars. Students will debate whether we are spending too much on technical collection and analysis in support of military operations for unconventional warfare.
10 Covert Action

This session examines the most controversial of CIA intelligence roles, particularly support for paramilitary operations to overthrow governments, as well as past assassination attempts. Students will debate whether such operations are still necessary in support of the war on terrorism.
11 Counterterrorism

The focus of this session will be on the role of intelligence in supporting the war on terrorism. It will look in more detail on the reasons for the 9/11 warning failure, the role of the Counterterrorism Center, and the historical separation between domestic law enforcement and foreign intelligence. Finally it will look at the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission and the subsequent Intelligence Reform Act of 2004. Students will debate the need for enhanced security vs. the dangers to privacy and civil liberties.
12 WMD and Nonproliferation

This session will look at the special challenge to intelligence in supporting non-proliferation, and the special problem of denial and deception. It will examine Iraq as a case study of what can go wrong, and look at the danger of terrorist acquisition and use of WND.
13 Intelligence and Democracy

This session will address the history of intelligence oversight, particularly by the U.S. Congress, including issues of accountability, problems of secrecy in a democratic society, and ethical and morale issues.
14 Overview and the Future of Intelligence

This wrap-up session will review key points from earlier readings and lectures and discuss the outlook for intelligence reform and the role of the new Director of National Intelligence.   Tell A Friend