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Engineering > Architecture > Digital Mock-Up Workshop
 Digital Mock-Up Workshop  posted by  duggu   on 12/1/2007  Add Courseware to favorites Add To Favorites  
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Sass, Lawrence, 4.511 Digital Mock-Up Workshop, Spring 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed 08 Jul, 2010). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

The skin of a skyscraper.

The skin of a skyscraper designed through relational modeling. (Image courtesy of Taro Narahara and Kenfield Griffith.)

Course Highlights

This course features a set of assignments from the class, as well as the midterm and final projects.

Course Description

This is an advanced subject in computer modeling and CAD CAM fabrication, with a focus on building large-scale prototypes and digital mock-ups within a classroom setting. Prototypes and mock-ups are developed with the aid of outside designers, consultants, and fabricators. Field trips and in-depth relationships with building fabricators demonstrate new methods for building design. The class analyzes complex shapes, shape relationships, and curved surfaces fabrication at a macro scale leading to new architectural languages, based on methods of construction.





This workshop applies theories and methods learned in 4.510 (rapid prototyping and mostly CAD CAM level machinery) to larger scale projects. The purpose of the course is to serve as an intermediate step towards the use of fabrication tools in studio and practice. The emphasis of the course is on process and application to solve real world design and fabrication problems.

The environment is half that of a studio where larger design visions are broken into biweekly assignments using advanced modeling tools and fabrication devices. The emphasis is on design learning through in-depth studies along the four phases of professional design (schematic design, design programming, design development, and construction documentation). Advanced learning is done through hands-on tutorials, field trips and a working environment that combines research with design studio interaction.

Projects range from small furniture design to a large scale single space. The course does not explore projects beyond 200 square feet. Course structure is composed of two studies using advance modeling software and NC devices in order to learn process.


Full participation in all aspects of the course is required.

Attendance and Participation in Class 20%
Study 1 40%
Study 2 40%




Part A - Systems Engineering for Digital Fabrication
1 Digital Mock-Ups

Tall Buildings
2 Tall Building Design

Tower Design Analysis
Module 1: Analysis of existing tower design due
3 Research Case - Design Production

Mock-Up - Control
Module 1: Analysis of existing tower design due
4 Materials and Assemblies Module 1: Material and manufacturing system analysis due
5 Façade Design Module 1: Façade design due
6 Façade Redesign Module 1: Façade redesign and packaging due
7 Field Trip to NYC (Grimshaw and Sorkin)  
Part B - Design Production
8 Tower Design 1 Module 2: Tower production planning and review due
9 Tower Design 2 Module 2: Tower production 1 due
10 Tower Design 3 Module 2: Tower production 2 due
11 Field Trip to London

Design Adjustment
12 Redesign Module 3: Redesign due
13 Final Presentation Module 3: Final review due   Tell A Friend