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Human Reproductive Biology

Fall 2005

Human reproductive system.

Human reproductive system. (Image courtesy of the U.S. National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Program.)

Course Highlights

This course features downloadable lecture notes and a full bibliography of readings.

Course Description

This course is designed to give the student a clear understanding of the pathophysiology of the menstrual cycle, fertilization, implantation, ovum growth development, differentiation and associated abnormalities. Disorders of fetal development including the principles of teratology and the mechanism of normal and abnormal parturition will be covered as well as the pathophysiology of the breast and disorders of lactation. Fetal asphyxia and its consequences will be reviewed with emphasis on the technology currently available for its detection. In addition the conclusion of the reproductive cycle, menopause, and the use of hormonal replacement will be covered.


Course Overview

This course is designed to give the student a clear understanding of the pathophysiology of the menstrual cycle, fertilization, implantation, ovum growth development, differentiation and associated abnormalities. Disorders of fetal development including the principles of teratology and the mechanism of normal and abnormal parturition will be covered as well as the pathophysiology of the breast and disorders of lactation. Fetal asphyxia and its consequences will be reviewed with emphasis on the technology currently available for its detection. In addition the conclusion of the reproductive cycle, menopause, and the use of hormonal replacement will be covered.

Emphasis on quantitative techniques, when applicable, including modern approaches to fetal surveillance and in vitro fertilization as well as prenatal diagnosis will be employed.

Each lecture will be complemented by a brief clinical pathologic conference (CPC) emphasizing relevant clinical applications of basic principles discussed in the lectures.


Weekly thought questions will be assigned and a multiple choice final examination is given.


The course is graded Pass/Fail for M.D. students, and A/B/C/F for graduate students.


SES # Topics
1 Introduction to the Course (15 min.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz

Male Reproductive Anatomy (1 hr.) - Dr. Abe Morgentaler

Male System Physiology (1 hr.) - Dr. Abe Morgentaler

Clinical Pathological Conference: Male Reproductive System (30 min.) - Dr. Abe Morgentaler
2 Impotence (1 hr.) - Dr. Abe Morgentaler

Male Fertility, Temperature and the Testes (1 hr. 15 min.) - Dr. Abe Morgentaler
3 Female System Anatomy (1 hr.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz

Endometriosis (1 hr.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz

Clinical Pathological Conference: Female Reproductive System (45 min.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz
4 The Normal Menstrual Cycle (1 hr.) - Dr. Alan Penzias

Abnormalities of the Menstrual Cycle (1 hr.) - Dr. Alan Penzias

Clinical Pathological Conference: Menstrual Cycle (45 min.) - Dr. Alan Penzias
5 Uterine Pathology: Fibroids (1 hr.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz

Ovarian Pathology (1 hr.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz

Clinical Pathological Conference: Gynecologic Pathology (15 min.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz
6 Non-hormonal Contraception I (1 hr.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz

Non-hormonal Contraception II (1 hr.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz

Clinical Pathological Conference: Contraception (45 min.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz
7 Hormonal Contraception (1 hr.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz

Phytoestrogens (1 hr.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz

Clinical Pathological Conference: Menstrual Cycle (45 min.) - Dr. Alan Penzias
8 The Placenta (1 hr.) - Dr. Drucilla Roberts

Placental Pathology (1 hr.) - Dr. Drucilla Roberts

Clinical Pathological Conference: Menstrual Cycle (15 min.) - Dr. Alan Penzias
9 The Cervix (1 hr.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz

Cervical Pathology and Cancer (1 hr.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz

Clinical Pathological Conference: Cervix (45 min.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz
10 Sexual Differentiation I (1 hr.) - Dr. Patricia Donahoe

Sexual Differentiation II (1 hr.) - Dr. Patricia Donahoe

Clinical Pathological Conference: Sexual Differentiation (45 min.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz
11 Infertility (1 hr.) - Dr. Selwyn Oskowitz

Assisted Reproductive Technology (1 hr.) - Dr. Selwyn Oskowitz

Clinical Pathological Conference: Infertility (15 min.) - Dr. Selwyn Oskowitz
12 Maternal Physiology I (1 hr.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz

Maternal Physiology II (1 hr.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz

Clinical Pathological Conference: Maternal Physiology (45 min.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz
13 Hypertension in Pregnancy (1 hr.) - Dr. Kee-Hak Lim

Film Viewing: Eclampsia (45 min.)
14 Uterine Physiology (1 hr.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz

Parturition (1 hr.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz

Video - Normal Labor and Delivery (45 min.)
15 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCO) (1 hr. 15 min.) - Dr. Robert Barbieri

Ovarian Failure (1 hr.) - Dr. Jan Shifren
16 Toxoplasmosis (1 hr.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz

Isoimmunization (1 hr.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz
17 Teratology (1 hr. 25 min.) - Dr. Lewis Holmes

Ultrasound Prenatal Diagnosis (1 hr. 30 min.) - Dr. Beryl Benacerraf
18 Energy and Radiation Impact on Pregnancy (1 hr.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz

Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis (1 hr.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz
19 Fetal Surveillance (1 hr.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz

Pregnancy Termination Technology (1 hr. 15 min.) - Dr. Henry Klapholz
20 Film Viewing: The Way It Was (1 hr.)

Film Viewing: Life's Greatest Miracle (1 hr. 15 min.)   Tell A Friend