Theories of Public Policy
Spring 2004/2005

Massachusetts Governor John Hancock proposes the Bill of Rights in 1788. Image of mural from House Chamber, Massachusetts State House.
Highlights of this Course
* Why government gets involved in some things and not in others.
* How public problems are framed and described.
* What criteria are useful in developing and assessing policy choices.
* How policy choices and outcomes are mediated and influenced by individuals, organizations and political institutions.
Course Description
This course examines competing theories, models, and analytical frameworks for understanding policymaking. Case study application is used to underscore lessons learned. Knowledge of the basic tools of lawmaking is sharpened. The course is taught as a seminar and students are expected to participate actively in class discussion.
Popular Content
* Week 1 - Introduction to the course
* Week 2 - What normative theories underpin the field?
* Letter to State Representative
* Study Guide for Theories of Public Policy
* Week 5 - The Executive Branch: How does a law become a rule?
* Students will become familiar with competing theories, models, and analytical frameworks for understanding policymaking, particularly in the U.S. context.
Course requirements include three written policy exercises, two letters to policymakers, active class participation, and a final exam. Each policy exercise will count for 20 percent of the grade, and the final exam will count for 40 percent.
Required Textbooks
* Deborah Stone, Policy Paradox and Political Reason (NY: W.W. Norton & Co.) 2002.
* John Kingdon, Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies, 2nd edition (NY: HarperCollins) 1995.
* Cindy Skrzycki, The Regulators (Rowman and Littlefield, Inc) 2003.
1 |
Lecture |
Introduction to the course |
2 |
Lecture |
What normative theories underpin the field? |
3 |
Lecture |
The Legislative Branch: How does a bill become law? |
4 |
Lecture |
Setting the agenda, normative theories continued |
5 |
Lecture |
The Executive Branch: How does a law become a rule? |
6 |
Lecture |
What role do interest groups play in policymaking? |
7 |
Lecture |
What is the significance of problem framing and issue formation? |
8 |
Lecture |
The Budget and Appropriations Processes |
9 |
Lecture |
Can we control the state through various policy instruments? |
10 |
Lecture |
What is the role of leadership and followership in complex organizations? |
11 |
Lecture |
The Judicial Branch |
12 |
Lecture |
Alternative Mechanisms for Negotiating Policy |
13 |
Lecture |
Press, the Fourth Branch? |