Fundamental Physical Principles
Theme Number 4: Fundamental Physical Principles
1. Galileo Provides the Proof (Notes)
Galileo Provides the Proof (ppt)
The Human Eye (ppt)
Galileo's Astronomical Discoveries (ppt)
2. Isaac Newton's Physics (Notes)
Newton's Physics: Three Laws (ppt)
3. Newtonian Gravity Explains It All (Notes)
Newton's Gravity and its Implications (ppt)
4. Weight (Notes)
Weight and Mass (ppt)
5. Tsunamis and Tides (Notes)
Tsunamis (Not Tides) (ppt)
Tides (ppt)
6. The Success of Newtonian Gravity (Notes)
The Successes of Newtonian Gravity (ppt)
7. The Ultimate Failure of Newtonian Gravity (Notes)
The Ultimate Failure of Newtonian Gravity (ppt)