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 Geodynamics Seminar  posted by  boym   on 2/18/2008  Add Courseware to favorites Add To Favorites  
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Bice, Karen, Mark Behn, and Sarah Das, 12.753 Geodynamics Seminar, Spring 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare),  (Accessed 12 Jul, 2010). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

12.753 Geodynamics Seminar

Spring 2006

Arch of ice over the Antarctic ocean.
Ice Bridge in the Antarctic. (Photo courtesy of Susan Humphris, WHOI.)

Course Highlights

This course features an extensive geodynamical field trip guide to Iceland given in related resources section, as well an image gallery of the class field trip there.

Course Description

In this year's Geodynamics Seminar, we will explore the depth and breadth of scientific research related to Earth's present and past ice-sheets, glaciers and sea-ice, as well as extraterrestrial planetary ice.

Invited speakers have been chosen from experts in the current frontiers in ice-related research, including planetary ice, climate records from polar and tropical ice cores, the Snowball Earth, subglacial volcanoes, ice rheology, ice sheet modeling, ice microkinetics, glacial erosion and tectonics, subglacial life and polar remote sensing.

A field trip to Iceland in Summer 2006 will allow us to view some of the island's ice caps and glacial geology, the exposed mid Atlantic Ridge and evidence of ice-volcano interactions.

Special Features



Seminar Topic: ICE!

In this year's Geodynamics Seminar, we will explore the depth and breadth of scientific research related to Earth's present and past ice-sheets, glaciers and sea-ice, as well as extraterrestrial planetary ice.

Invited speakers have been chosen from experts in the current frontiers in ice-related research, including planetary ice, climate records from polar and tropical ice cores, the Snowball Earth, subglacial volcanoes, ice rheology, ice sheet modeling, ice microkinetics, glacial erosion and tectonics, subglacial life and polar remote sensing.

A field trip to Iceland in Summer 2006 will allow us to view some of the island's ice caps and glacial geology, the exposed mid Atlantic Ridge and evidence of ice-volcano interactions.

This Year's Seminar Organizers

Karen Bice
Sarah Das
Mark Behn
Andrew Daly


Joint Program students enrolled in the Geodynamics seminar are required to complete a project for the class. This includes research, an oral presentation during the last two or three seminar meetings, and a written paper due at the end of the semester. For first and second year students, the project must be on a topic related to the theme of the seminar and must be different from their main research interest. For more advanced students, the topic may be closely related to their dissertation research.


1 Dr. Richard Alley, Penn State University, Department of Geosciences Ice Rules: Ice Cores and Ice Ages
2 Dr. Sridhar Anandakrishnan, Penn State University, Department of Geosciences There is a Tide in the Affairs of Men...and Glaciers
3 Dr. John Wettlaufer, Yale University, Department of Physics The Many Faces of the Surface of Ice
4 Dr. Ian Joughin, University of Washington, Polar Science Center Polar Remote Sensing
5 Dr. Christina Hulbe, Portland State University, Department of Geology Ice Sheet Modeling
6 Dr. Meredith Nettles, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Glacial Earthquakes
7 Dr. Lonnie Thompson, Ohio State University, Byrd Polar Research Center Tropical Glaciers
8 Dr. John Priscu, Montana State University, Dept. of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences Extremophiles, Subglacial Life
9 Dr. Bruce Jakosky, University of Colorado at Boulder, Center for Astrobiology Planetary Ice
10 Dr. Erland Schulson, Dartmouth College, Ice Research Laboratory On the Mechanical Behavior of Ice with Emphasis on Brittle Failure
11 Dr. Paul Hoffman, Harvard University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Snowball Earth
12 Dr. Richard Williams, U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole Global Ice
13 Dr. Helgi Björnsson, University of Iceland, Raunvísindastofnin Háskólans Science Institute Subglacial Volcanism
14 Dr. Sidney Hemming, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Ice Bergs, Ice Shelves, Heinrich Events
15 Dr. Kelly MacGregor, Macalester College, Department of Geology Ice Erosion and Tectonics   Tell A Friend