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 Advanced Macroeconomics II(2004)  posted by  duggu   on 11/30/2007  Add Courseware to favorites Add To Favorites  
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Angeletos, George-Marios, and Gilles Saint-Paul, 14.462 Advanced Macroeconomics II, Spring 2004. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed 10 Jul, 2010). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

U.S. CBO past inaccuracies in projecting the primary surplus.

U.S. Congressional Budget Office's Past Inaccuracies in Projecting the Primary Surplus, Compared with the Constructed 90 Percent Confidence Range. Note: Each thin line represents the actual inaccuracies of the set of projections made in a given year. The thick lines represent the 90 percent confidence range constructed from CBO's statistical model for inaccuracies. That range encompasses nearly all of CBO's past record. (Image courtesy of the Congressional Budget Office.)

Course Highlights

All assignments may be downloaded for this course. In addition, an extensive bibliography is provided.

Course Description

14.462 is the second semester of the second-year Ph.D. macroeconomics sequence.

The course is intended to introduce the students, not only to particular areas of current research, but also to some very useful analytical tools. It covers a selection of topics that varies from year to year. Recent topics include:

  • Growth and Fluctuations
  • Heterogeneity and Incomplete Markets
  • Optimal Fiscal Policy
  • Time Inconsistency
  • Reputation
  • Coordination Games and Macroeconomic Complementarities
  • Information

Technical Requirements

MATLAB® software is required to view and run the .m and .mat files found on this course site.


Course Overview

14.462 is the second semester of the second-year Ph.D. macroeconomics sequence.

The course is intended to introduce the students, not only to particular areas of current research, but also to some very useful analytical tools. It covers a selection of topics that varies from year to year. Recent topics include:

  • Growth and Fluctuations
  • Heterogeneity and Incomplete Markets
  • Optimal Fiscal Policy
  • Time Inconsistency
  • Reputation
  • Coordination Games and Macroeconomic Complementarities
  • Information

This year (2004) the course consists of two parts. The first, with Gilles Saint-Paul, concentrates on growth; the second, with George-Marios Angeletos, concentrates on coordination and incomplete markets. The course grade will be based on class participation, 6 or 7 problem sets to be assigned during the course, a midterm at the end of the first half-semester, and the general exam at the end of the semester.


1 Technology, Distribution, and Employment: Competing Technologies Models
2 Technology, Distribution, and Employment: Segregation by Skills and Superstars
3 Technology, Distribution, and Employment: Learning and Market Signals
4 Technology, Distribution, and Employment: Non Homotheticity in General Equilibrium
5 Intellectual Property Rights and Growth
6 Bounded Rationality in Macroeconomics
7 Demographics and Macroeconomics
8 Macro Complementarities/Coordination: Macroeconomic Complementarities, Amplification, Multiple Equilibria
9 Macro Complementarities/Coordination: Global Games, Higher-Order Uncertainty, and Morris-Shin
10 Macro Complementarities/Coordination: Policy and Information Transmission
11 Macro Complementarities/Coordination: Prices and Information Aggregation
12 Macro Complementarities/Coordination: Dynamics, Social Learning, and Other Applications
13 Macro Complementarities/Coordination: Information and Amplification
14 Macro Complementarities/Coordination: More on Complementarities, Dynamic Adjustment, and Business Cycles
15 Incomplete Markets: Recursive Equilibria, Heterogeneous Agents, Precautionary Savings, Non-expected Utility
16 Incomplete Markets: Aiyagari - Steady-State Effects
17 Incomplete Markets: Krusell-Smith - Introducing Business Cycles
18 Incomplete Markets: Idiosyncratic Investment Risk
19 Incomplete Markets: Incomplete Markets and Endogenous Growth   Tell A Friend