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 Physical Science  posted by  member7_php   on 3/23/2009  Add Courseware to favorites Add To Favorites  
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Physical Science

11:00-12:30 PM | 4 Le Conte
Instructor Nathan Sayre

LS 70B - Spring 2007. This lower division course introduces global warming as both a scientific and social issue. We will introduce the physical science that sets the stage for the problem, from the basic concepts of climate (carbon cycle, greenhouse effect, climate feedbacks) through to the climate model projections of future climate changes and their impacts. Social scientific perspectives will be integrated throughout, including the history of climate science, the geographical and political-economic implications of fossil fuels and industrial production, and the challenges posed to existing regulatory and governance systems by the current and prospective impacts of global warming. Several guest lecturers will give in-depth reviews of specific topical issues, potential examples being climate models, carbon sequestration, and impacts on public health. We aim to provide students with a solid understanding and information base with which to analyze and evaluate ongoing developments and (often heated) debates surrounding global climate change.

Lecture Archive

Tue 1/16 Course Overview
Thu 1/18 History of Climate Science
Tue 1/23 Greenhouse Effect
Thu 1/25 Greenhouse Gases
Tue 1/30 Industrial Revolution
Thu 2/1 The Second Industrial Revolution
Tue 2/6 Carbon Cycle
Thu 2/8 Agriculture
Tue 2/13 Transporation
Thu 2/15 Essential Climate - Part 1
Tue 2/20 Essential Climate - Part 2
Thu 2/22 Climate Feedbacks
Tue 2/27 Sociology of Climate Science
Thu 3/1 Climate Modeling
Tue 3/6 Climate Change
Thu 3/8 Detection and Atribution of Climate Change
    Tue 3/13 LS 70B - Lecture 17 - Midterm
Thu 3/15 Physical and Social Side of Global Warming
Tue 3/20 Impact of Global Warming I
Thu 3/22 Impact of Global Warming II
    Tue 3/27 LS 70B - Spring Break
    Thu 3/29 LS 70B - Spring Break
Tue 4/3 California
Thu 4/5 Hurricanes
    Tue 4/10 LS 70B - Lecture 23 - Podcast Not Available
Thu 4/12 Regional and Municipal Responses to Cilmate Change
Tue 4/17 What Do We Do From Here?
Thu 4/19 Economics of Climate Change
Tue 4/24 Kyoto Protocol
Thu 4/26 Carbon Trading and Bio Fuels
Tue 5/1 Carbon Sequestration
Thu 5/3 Semester Wrap-Up
    Tue 5/8 LS 70B - Lecture 31 - Podcast Not Available   Tell A Friend