Abdominal Wall and Hernias
Hernias - MColey
Rectus Sheath Hematomas - TAddona
Abdominal wall reconstruction - TAddona
Inguinal Hernia - Lap vs Open - TAddona
Endocrine Surgery
Thyroid Papillary and Follicular Tumors - SPorter
Carcinoid Tumors - MColey
Parathyroid Glands - SNguyen
MEN I - TAddona
Pheochromocytoma - RWellner
Thyroid Nodules - JOzao
Pediatric Surgery
Pediatric Surgery Review - JFrischer
Hirschsprungs Disease - SNguyen
Omphalocele & Gastroschisis - SNguyen
Pediatric Umbilical Abnormalities - SNguyen
Pediatric Surgery Review - TAddona
Necrotizing Enterocolitis - SArora
Vascular Surgery
Hemodialysis Access - ITurnbull
Neck trauma - USarpel
ED Thoracotomy - SNguyen
Trauma Overview - SArora
Shock and Resuscitation - SNguyen
Skin, Soft Tissue, and Breast
Merkel Cell Tumor - RWellner
Necrotizing Fasciitis - JLampert
Surgical Complications
Complications of Bariatric Surgery - ESadot
Ureteral Injury - JFrischer
Bladder Injury - JFrischer
Preoperative Cardiac Evaluation - EMarcus
Retroperitoneal Sarcoma - EChin
Pseudomyxoma Peritonei - EChin
Surgery for Obesity - TAddona
Surgical Challenges in Diabetic Patients - MShapiro
Tracheostomy - ITurnbull