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Health Sciences > General Public Health > Water and Sanitation Needs in Complex Humanitarian
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Water and Sanitation Needs in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies

Winter 2005-2006

A flood-damaged building



Leslie Roberts

Offered By

International Health


Presents a historical overview of the influence of water and sanitation on human health; types of water and sanitation facilities and equipment presently available and particularly suited to refugee populations displaced by war, famine, drought, and economic turmoil; and methodologies for assessing and quantifying water and sanitation needs.


Course Description

Presents a historical overview of the influence of water and sanitation on human health; types of water and sanitation facilities and equipment presently available and particularly suited to refugee populations displaced by war, famine, drought, and economic turmoil; and methodologies for assessing and quantifying water and sanitation needs.

Course Objectives

Objectives of this course are:

  • to enable engineers to read and understand epidemiological studies associating environmental conditions to human health;
  • to enable students to identify the sanitary barriers that interrupt the most common disease transmission cycles and to identify what failures have occurred when a crisis arises;
  • to be able to critically evaluate engineering strategies introduced to induce a specific health outcome;
  • and to enable public health professionals to be eloquent spokespeople for environmental health interventions where appropriate.


    1 General Overview of Water and Sanitation Lecture
    2 Dysentary in Lisungwe Camp, 1993 Case Study
    3 Water Shortage in Ngara Camps, 1996 Case Study
    4 Randomized Interventions - Three Tales from Three Continents Lecture
    5 Typhoid in Tajikistan Case Study
    6 Conducting Evaluations Lecture
    7 Cholera in Goma, Zaire, 1994 Lecture   Tell A Friend