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Water and Sanitation Needs in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies
Winter 2005-2006

Leslie Roberts
Offered By
International Health
Presents a historical overview of the influence of water and sanitation on human health; types of water and sanitation facilities and equipment presently available and particularly suited to refugee populations displaced by war, famine, drought, and economic turmoil; and methodologies for assessing and quantifying water and sanitation needs.
Course Description
Presents a historical overview of the influence of water and sanitation on human health; types of water and sanitation facilities and equipment presently available and particularly suited to refugee populations displaced by war, famine, drought, and economic turmoil; and methodologies for assessing and quantifying water and sanitation needs.
Course Objectives
Objectives of this course are:
- to enable engineers to read and understand epidemiological studies associating environmental conditions to human health;
- to enable students to identify the sanitary barriers that interrupt the most common disease transmission cycles and to identify what failures have occurred when a crisis arises;
- to be able to critically evaluate engineering strategies introduced to induce a specific health outcome;
- and to enable public health professionals to be eloquent spokespeople for environmental health interventions where appropriate.
1 |
General Overview of Water and Sanitation |
Lecture |
2 |
Dysentary in Lisungwe Camp, 1993 |
Case Study |
3 |
Water Shortage in Ngara Camps, 1996 |
Case Study |
4 |
Randomized Interventions - Three Tales from Three Continents |
Lecture |
5 |
Typhoid in Tajikistan |
Case Study |
6 |
Conducting Evaluations |
Lecture |
7 |
Cholera in Goma, Zaire, 1994 |
Lecture |
Further Reading:
1 |
General Overview of Water and Sanitation |
Esrey et al. Effects of improved water supply and sanitation on ascariasis, diarrhoea, dracunculiasis, hookworm infection, schistosomiasis, and trachoma. Bull. WHO 1991;69(5):609-21. Clasen TF and Cairncross S. Household water management: refining the dominant paradigm. Trop. Med. Int. Hlth. 2004 Feb; 9(2):187-91.
2 |
Dysentary in Lisungwe Camp, 1993 |
Brisccoe J. Intervention Studies and the Definition of Dominant Transmission Routes. Am. J. of Epi. 1984;120(3):449-455. Shuval HI et al. Effect of investments in water supply and sanitation on health status: a threshold-saturation theory. Bull. WHO 1981;59(2):243-248.
3 |
Water Shortage in Ngara Camps, 1996 |
Tumwine JK. Et al. Diarrhoea and effects of different water sources, sanitation and hygiene behavious in East Africa. Trop. Med. And Int. Hlth. 2002;7(9):750-756. |
4 |
Randomized Interventions - Three Tales from Three Continents |
Roberts L. et al. Keeping clean water clean in a Malawi refugee camp: a randomized intervention trial. Bull. WHO 2001;79(4):280-287. Clasen TF, Bastable A. Faecal contamination of drinking water during collection and household storage: the need to extend protection to the point of use. J. Water Health. 2003Sept; 1(3):109-15.
5 |
Typhoid in Tajikistan |
Semenza JC et al. Water distribution system and diarrheal disease transmission: a case study in Uzbekistan. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 1998;59(6):941-946. |
6 |
Conducting Evaluations |
Roberts, L. Estimating Populations, Water Consumption, and Sanitation Coverage. IRC, NY. 1999. Ezzati M et al. Environmental risks in the developing world: exposure indicators for evaluating interventions, programmes, and policies. J. Epidemiology Community Health. 2005 Jan;(59)1:15-22.
7 |
Cholera in Goma, Zaire, 1994 |
Emergency medical aid is not for amateurs [editorial] Lancet. 1996;348(9039):1393. Saddique AK et al. Why treatment centres failed to prevent cholera deaths among Rwandan refugees in Goma, Zaire. Lancet. 1995;345:359-361. Van Damme W. Do refugees belong in camps? Experiences from Goma and Guinea. Lancet. 1995; 346: 360-362. Roberts L. & Toole M. Cholera deaths in Goma. Lancet. 1995:346:1431.
1 |
General Overview of Water and Sanitation |
Esrey et al. Effects of improved water supply and sanitation on ascariasis, diarrhoea, dracunculiasis, hookworm infection, schistosomiasis, and trachoma. Bull. WHO 1991;69(5):609-21. Clasen TF and Cairncross S. Household water management: refining the dominant paradigm. Trop. Med. Int. Hlth. 2004 Feb; 9(2):187-91.
2 |
Dysentary in Lisungwe Camp, 1993 |
Brisccoe J. Intervention Studies and the Definition of Dominant Transmission Routes. Am. J. of Epi. 1984;120(3):449-455. Shuval HI et al. Effect of investments in water supply and sanitation on health status: a threshold-saturation theory. Bull. WHO 1981;59(2):243-248.
3 |
Water Shortage in Ngara Camps, 1996 |
Tumwine JK. Et al. Diarrhoea and effects of different water sources, sanitation and hygiene behavious in East Africa. Trop. Med. And Int. Hlth. 2002;7(9):750-756. |
4 |
Randomized Interventions - Three Tales from Three Continents |
Roberts L. et al. Keeping clean water clean in a Malawi refugee camp: a randomized intervention trial. Bull. WHO 2001;79(4):280-287. Clasen TF, Bastable A. Faecal contamination of drinking water during collection and household storage: the need to extend protection to the point of use. J. Water Health. 2003Sept; 1(3):109-15.
5 |
Typhoid in Tajikistan |
Semenza JC et al. Water distribution system and diarrheal disease transmission: a case study in Uzbekistan. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 1998;59(6):941-946. |
6 |
Conducting Evaluations |
Roberts, L. Estimating Populations, Water Consumption, and Sanitation Coverage. IRC, NY. 1999. Ezzati M et al. Environmental risks in the developing world: exposure indicators for evaluating interventions, programmes, and policies. J. Epidemiology Community Health. 2005 Jan;(59)1:15-22.
7 |
Cholera in Goma, Zaire, 1994 |
Emergency medical aid is not for amateurs [editorial] Lancet. 1996;348(9039):1393. Saddique AK et al. Why treatment centres failed to prevent cholera deaths among Rwandan refugees in Goma, Zaire. Lancet. 1995;345:359-361. Van Damme W. Do refugees belong in camps? Experiences from Goma and Guinea. Lancet. 1995; 346: 360-362. Roberts L. & Toole M. Cholera deaths in Goma. Lancet. 1995:346:1431.
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