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 Information Technology Essentials  posted by  duggu   on 12/31/2007  Add Courseware to favorites Add To Favorites  
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Malone, Thomas, 15.561 Information Technology Essentials, Spring 2005. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare),  (Accessed 10 Jul, 2010). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

Table joins in Microsoft Access.

SQL joins as seen in Microsoft® Access. (Image by MIT OCW.)

Course Highlights

This course features a set of lecture notes and a reading list.

Course Description

This class offers a broad coverage of technology concepts and trends underlying current and future developments in information technology, and fundamental principles for the effective use of computer-based information systems. There will be a special emphasis on networks and distributed computing, including the World Wide Web. Other topics include: hardware and operating systems, software development tools and processes, relational databases, security and cryptography, enterprise applications, and electronic commerce. Hands-on exposure to Web, database, and graphical user interface (GUI) tools.

This course is intended for students with little or no background in computer technology. Students with extensive education or work experience in computer technology should consider taking a more advanced course.

Technical Requirements

Microsoft® Access software is recommended for viewing the .mdb files in this section. Free Microsoft® Access viewer software can also be used to view the .mdb files.



Course Description

This class includes broad coverage of technology concepts and trends underlying current and future developments in information technology, and fundamental principles for the effective use of computer-based information systems. There will be a special emphasis on networks and distributed computing, including the World Wide Web. Other topics include: hardware and operating systems, software development tools and processes, relational databases, security and cryptography, enterprise applications, and electronic commerce. Hands-on exposure to Web, database, and graphical user interface (GUI) tools.

This course is intended for students with little or no background in computer technology. Students with extensive education or work experience in computer technology should consider taking a more advanced course.


The course material includes all the required readings (articles) to be covered in class. It also includes non-Web optional readings, which offer supplementary material on the topics discussed, except for optional readings that are available via the Web. There are also some optional textbooks (that are not included in the course reader) and recommended Web material- see below for details.


Class Participation 20%
Three Problem Sets 40%
Final Exam 40%

We view this course as a cooperative learning experience and expect students to engage the topics provided as an opportunity to gain hands-on experience with some of the tools and technologies covered. They include (a) creating a personal home page, (b) working with a Microsoft® Access database and (c) constructing a web-based survey form that collects in a database information provided by people who fill out the survey on-line. All assignments are to be received by the TA before class on the due date.

Required Software

Microsoft® Frontpage® is required for completing Assignment 3 (and optional for Assignment 1).

Microsoft® Access is required for completing Assignment 2. Microsoft® Access is included as part of Microsoft® Office Professional.

Recommended Web Materials

The PC Webopedia is a Web site that serves as an encyclopedia of Information Technology terms. It provides excellent explanations of many Information Technology terms, together with links to additional web pages related to them. For many of the lectures, the course Web page contains pointers to the relevant category of the PC Webopedia. We strongly encourage you to use this valuable resource to clarify unanswered questions and to go beyond the material covered in class, according to your own personal interests.

Optional Textbooks

There are three optional textbooks.

White, Ron, et. al. How Computers Work. 7th ed. Indianapolis, IN: Que Publishing. ISBN: 0789730332.

Gralla, Preston, et. al. How the Internet Works. 7th ed. Indianapolis, IN: Que Publishing. ISBN: 0789729733.
Good introductory texts on the internals of computer hardware, system software and the Internet. Recommended if you don't have a background in science or engineering.

Viescas, John L. Running Microsoft® Access 2000. Redmond, WA: Microsoft® Press, 1999. ISBN: 1572319348.
One of the best and most detailed "bibles" on Microsoft® Access. The coverage is way beyond what will be covered in this course. This is an excellent reference book for students who are interested in becoming Microsoft® Access experts.


1 Introduction: Fundamentals of Computing I   
The Technology
2 Fundamentals of Computing II Problem set 1 out - build a simple Web home page
3 Networks I  
4 Networks II  
5 Programming Languages  
6 Relational Databases  
7 Introduction to Microsoft® Access Problem set 2 out - Microsoft® Access
8 Web Technologies Fundamentals Problem set 1 due
9 Computer Security I: Encryption and Digital Signatures  
10 Computer Security II: Network Security  
Applications of Technology
11 "Under the Hood" of a Commercial Website Problem set 3 out - Microsoft® Frontpage®  
12 Managing Software Development Problem set 2 due
13 Enterprise Systems  
14 Systems that Span Multiple Enterprises  
15 Business Intelligence: Data Mining and Data Warehousing  
16 Emerging Technologies; Course Wrap-up Problem set 3 due
17 Final Exam   Tell A Friend