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Social Studies > Comparative Media Studies > Workshop I
 Workshop I  posted by  duggu   on 12/12/2007  Add Courseware to favorites Add To Favorites  
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Barrett, Edward, CMS.950 Workshop I, Fall 2005. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed 09 Jul, 2010). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

The FBI's digital video authenticator with camcorder.

The FBI's digital video authenticator with camcorder. Image courtesy of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Course Highlights

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Course Description

This course fulfills the first half of the Comparative Media Studies workshop sequence requirement for entering graduate students. The workshop sequence provides an opportunity for a creative, hands-on project development experience and emphasizes intellectual growth as well as the acquisition of technical skills. The course is designed to provide practical, hands-on experience to complement students' theoretical studies.




Class Description

CMS.950 fulfills the first half of the CMS workshop sequence requirement for entering graduate students. The workshop sequence provides an opportunity for a creative, hands-on project development experience and emphasizes intellectual growth as well as the acquisition of technical skills. In the fall semester, first-year students enroll in CMS.950; students fulfill the second part of the workshop requirement through independent study or approved courses.

CMS.950 is designed to provide practical, hands-on experience to complement students' theoretical studies. Workshop classes meet for two hours each week throughout the fall semester. Class sessions include presentations by guest lecturers, tutorials (when needed) and - most importantly - workshop discussion of projects created by members of the class working individually or in small collaborative groups. Collaboration and sharing of technical expertise is a key element of this class.


Students develop a portfolio of work throughout the semester. Each assigned project is assessed through in-class presentation and discussion and reviewed as part of the final portfolio, which also includes a substantial end-of-semester project presentation. Final projects are usually collaborative efforts. Since workshop discussion is central to this class, attendance is mandatory. Students are encouraged to lead tutorials in their particular areas of technical expertise.




1 General Introduction to the Graduate Student Office and Lab  
2 Discussion and Review of Web Site Design and Interaction, using Java, Perl, CSS Assignment due: Form collaborative groups of three; each group will analyze two Web Sites for design, navigation, metaphor (look and feel), content and level of interactivity
3 Tour of MIT ATIC Lab and Discussion of ADA Compliance and Intellectual Property Issues  
4 Workshop Discussion of Student Web Galleries

Issues of Navigation and Representation in Cyberspace Versus Real World

Image Manipulation and "Reality" in Photography
Assignment due: Reserve digital still cameras for visual narrative

Assignment due: Personal visual narrative and web gallery

Assignment due: Web gallery for visual narrative
5 Tour of Exhibits at List Visual Art Center or MIT Museum  
6 Discussion of Interactive Art Exhibits  
7 Workshop Review of Student Soundscapes Assignment due: Student soundscapes

Assignment due: Workshop review of student soundscapes
8 Tutorials on Digital Video Editing Software and Flash  
9 Game Mechanics and Design, Location-based Projects

Discussion of Location-based Storytelling Using Handheld Devices in the History Unwired Project in Venice
10 Workshop Review of Video Assignment Assignment due: Brief digital video

Assignment due: Finalize end-of-semester collaborative project idea
11 Review Proposals for Final Project  
12 Final Project Development Time and Private Conferences  
13-14 Workshop Review of Final Projects   Tell A Friend