This is the second part of a one year seminar. The calendar section details the topics for each class meeting.
The goal of this seminar is to explore the role of science and scientists in ecosystems and natural resources management focusing on joint fact finding as a new approach to environmental policy-making. Increasingly scientists and science organizations are confronting a conundrum: Why is science often ignored in important societal decisions even as the call for decisions based on sound science escalates? One reason is that decision-making is often driven by a variety of nonscientific, adversarial, and stakeholder dynamics. Thus, even though science helps inform choices, it is only one of many values and interests considered by each stakeholder. In response to this emerging challenge, scientists, and science agencies such as the U.S. Geological Survey, are embarking upon research that explores the problems of incorporating science into value-laden societal decisions. This research includes designing experiments that will assess the appropriateness of using the new and emerging approach of Joint Fact Finding to address some of the Nation's most contentious environmental conflicts. During the class we will explore Joint Fact Finding, Adaptive Management, and Societal Learning as three components of a collaborative learning or collaborative problem solving approach to ecosystems/natural resources management and environmental policy issues. We will consider the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in the context of a citizen-driven, consensus-based decision-making process. In the first few sessions we will examine the problems of using science in environmental disputes by reviewing concepts discussed in the fall seminar. Following this review, students will function as a project team and concentrate on gathering information to assist in resolving the Cape Wind project, the dispute concerning the placement of wind farms in waters adjacent to Nantucket. Students will lay the groundwork for a collaborative project that includes Federal and State agencies, academic institutions and non-profits. We will develop a role-play simulation based on the Cape Wind controversy that explores a joint fact finding approach to the placement of future offshore wind farms. The seminar, which will operate as a workshop, will be interactive and dependent upon a high degree of student participation and initiative. Students will have the opportunity to discuss real-life situations with guest speakers that include senior level policymakers in the Federal government. Students who took the fall seminar will likely have the opportunity to present their papers at a symposium at USGS headquarters at a date to be determined during the semester. The role-play simulation could be published as part of a joint USGS/MIT working paper series.
The table below provides details on what takes place during each class session.
1 |
Introduction and Overview
Prof. Susskind and Dr. Karl will describe the goals and scope of the class. We will discuss the opportunity the class will have in helping to develop a project using a Joint Fact Finding approach to address the Cape Wind controversy and the broader implications this approach has for resolving environmental disputes Nation-wide. Are we nearing a paradigm shift in the approach to environmental policy-making? |
2 |
Discussion of ways scientific information is normally used in the policy-making process. We will contrast the traditional adversarial approach to environmental policy with a collaborative problem solving approach that seeks to build consensus. The point s of view of the scientist and policy maker will be considered. |
3 |
Presentation of fall semester student papers as part of the review of concepts and topics covered in the fall. |
4 |
Student paper presentation and discussion continued. Based on this review and discussion we will generate a set of questions not explored and answered in the fall seminar, which will help guide development of a joint fact finding model to environmental policy. |
5 |
Review the status of the Cape Wind application process. |
6 |
Discuss potential future sites of offshore wind energy and explore a collaborative process approach to the permitting and leasing of these sites. Discuss a citizen-based, collaborative problem solving approach to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that includes an adaptive management and monitoring and assessment component. |
7 |
Discuss and develop a proposal that takes a joint fact finding approach to the Cape Wind issue by building on the efforts of the fall semester class. |
8 |
Discussion of role-play simulations as learning and research tools with examples of actual simulations. |
9 |
As preparation for developing a role-play simulation that places the Cape Wind issue in the context of a collaborative process that includes joint fact finding, the students will play two simulations this week. Play "Framing a Joint Fact Finding Mission Statement in a Contested Ecosystem Management Situation." |
10 |
Play "Joint Fact Finding Simulation - A New Discovery in the Fishery." |
11 |
Begin design of role-play based on the Cape Wind issue. The purpose of the simulation is to introduce participants to joint fact finding and to an environmental policy process that is based on collaborative problem solving and consensus decision-making. |
12 |
Simulation development. |
13 |
The possibility for students whose schedules permit to participate in "Coastal Wind Development in the Northeast-State of the Science Workshop;" a workshop of Northeast region scientists from USGS, NPS, FWS and MMS convened by USGS and facilitated by CBI held in Sudbury. |
14 |
Invite outside participants to play the Cape Wind simulation to rehearse it. |
15 |
Revise the simulation and prepare teaching notes based on the rehearsal. |
16 |
Develop a web page so that the simulation and papers from the fall semester can be accessed over the Internet. Prepare simulation and papers for publication as part of the USGS/MIT/Harvard working paper series. |