Teaching for good behaviour
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on 3/12/2009
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Teaching for good behaviour
Time: 10 hours
Level: Intermediate
- Introduction Resource
- The quality of our teaching inevitably has an impact on the behaviour of our students. This unit considers some of the factors that can contribute to misbehaviour in the classroom and some of the steps...
1. Teaching and behaviour
- 1. Teaching and behaviour Resource
- The quality of our teaching inevitably has an impact on the behaviour of our students: a student who is busy learning is far less likely to think about misbehaving. Using a range of strategies, positive...
2. Lesson format
- 2. Lesson format Resource
- For some of our students, school can feel like a confusing and even frightening place. Those students who come from backgrounds where there is little structure need to be given a feeling of security if...
3. Lesson delivery
- 3. Lesson delivery Resource
- The way in which we deliver our lessons will have an impact on the students' interest and engagement in the work. If we appear enthused and excited by the subject that we are studying, then at least some...
4. Lesson content
- 4. Lesson content Resource
- To a certain extent, the actual content of your lessons will be dictated by the curriculum requirements. However, it should be possible to put across that content in an interesting, imaginative and creative...
5. Developing ‘engaging’ lessons
- 5. Developing ‘engaging’ lessons Resource
- Think of your students as fish, swimming around in the waters of the school. An engaging lesson gives you the bait with which to catch your fish. And once they are hooked on your bait, then misbehaving...
References and Acknowledgements
Further Reading:
The content acknowledged below is Proprietary (see terms and conditions) and is used under licence.
Author details
Sue Cowley is an experienced teacher and subject co-ordinator, who has taught at both primary and secondary level, in the UK and overseas. She now works as a writer, trainer and consultant. Sue is the author of numerous books, including the best-selling "Getting the Buggers to Behave", and she also writes regular features for the TES.
Other acknowledgements
Unit image D3CLAN at Flickr
Every effort has been made to contact copyright owners. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.
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