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Natural Sciences > Biology > Concept-Centered Teaching
 Concept-Centered Teaching  posted by  duggu   on 12/10/2007  Add Courseware to favorites Add To Favorites  
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Khodor, Julia, 7.391 Concept-Centered Teaching, Fall 2005. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed 07 Jul, 2010). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

Photograph of classroom podium.

Photograph of classroom podium. (Photo by MIT OCW.)

Course Highlights

This course features a full bibliography of readings.

Course Description

Do you like teaching, but find yourself frustrated by how little students seem to learn? Would you like to try teaching, but are nervous about whether you will be any good at it? Are you interested in new research on science education? Research in science education shows that the greatest obstacle to student learning is the failure to identify and confront the misconceptions with which the students enter the class or those that they acquire during their studies. This weekly seminar course focuses on developing the participants' ability to uncover and confront student misconceptions and to foster student understanding and retention of key concepts. Participants read primary literature on science education, uncover basic concepts often overlooked when teaching biology, and lead a small weekly discussion session for students currently enrolled in introductory biology classes.

The instructor for this course, Dr. Julia Khodor, is a member of the HHMI Education Group.



Course Description

Do you like teaching, but find yourself frustrated by how little students seem to learn? Would you like to try teaching, but are nervous about whether you will be any good at it? Are you interested in new research on science education? If so, 7.391 is the course for you! 7.391 is a new weekly seminar on science education. Participants will read primary literature on science education, uncover basic concepts often overlooked when teaching biology, and lead a small weekly discussion session for students in 7.012.

Research in science education shows that the greatest obstacle to student learning is the failure to identify and confront the misconceptions with which the students enter the class or those that they acquire during their studies. This course focuses on developing the participants' ability to uncover and confront student misconceptions and to foster student understanding and retention of key concepts.

Participants are encouraged to remain in the program as paid mentors for the spring semester.

Course Format

The course will have three components' reading primary literature in science education, discussing key concepts in select areas of biology, and leading a discussion group for the students taking Introductory Biology (7.012). We will discuss an original paper each week. The papers must be read in advance of the class. Our goal will be to critically analyze these papers. To help us achieve that goal, each of you will be expected to email to the instructors two discussion questions for the article covered that day by the morning of the class. In discussing the papers, we will focus on articulating the main points of the paper, identifying conditions under which the data was collected and assumptions used in interpreting the data, and discussing how the results could be applied to the teaching environment at MIT. The second hour of each class will be spent discussing key ideas in a particular unit covered in 7.012. We will focus on identifying key concepts, making connections between concepts within a unit or across units, and formulating some discussion questions for the unit.

Starting in the third week of class, seminar participants will lead a small (no more than 5 students) discussion groups for students enrolled in 7.012. There will be one session of each discussion group a week and each session will last approximately an hour. For the first four weeks of discussion sessions, the course instructor will be available to help you run each session.

Each class will conclude with a short introduction to the material presented in next week's papers.


This is a discussion class, so attendance is mandatory. You are allowed to miss one of the 15 sessions of the class, but please notify the instructors ahead of time. You will also need to arrange to pick up the paper for the next week from the course instructor. If you need to miss a second class, you must talk to the instructors ahead of time so we can arrange an appropriate make-up assignment.


Class participants are required to lead a discussion session with currently enrolled introductory biology students. There are writing assignments based on preparation work for these discussion sessions. Participants will also be required to give several oral presentations on class readings and run a selected concept discussion during a portion of the seminar.


The course is pass/fail. Participation in class discussion, completion of the assignments above, and satisfactory attendance will result in a passing grade.


SeS # Topics KEY DATES
1 Introduction - Understanding by Design and the BCF  
2 Meaningful Assessment  
3 Confronting Student Misconceptions

Key Concepts in Biochemistry
7.012 discussion groups begin
4 Multiple Intelligences

Key Concepts in Genetics
5 Concept Mapping

Key Concepts in Molecular Biology
6 Predictors of Success in College Science

Key Concepts in Gene Regulation
7 Cooperative/Group Learning

Key Concepts in Recombinant DNA
8 Discussion

Key Concepts in Genomics
9 Case Studies

Key Concepts in Nervous System
10 Gender and Science

Key Concepts in Nervous System
11 Teaching Lab Courses

Key Concepts in Cancer
12 Free Discussion  
13 Student Self-assessment

Key Concepts in Immunology and AIDS
14 Teaching Evolution

Key Concepts in Molecular Evolution and Stem Cells
15 Wrap-up     Tell A Friend