Required Readings
Case Studies of the Following Topics
Hibbard, Jonathan D., Julie Yao, and John A. Quelch. "Vestron." Boston, MA: Harvard Business School, 1990. Case No. 9-590-002.
Willilams, Jeffrey R. "Vicks Health Care Division, Project Scorpio (A)." Boston, MA: Harvard Business School, 1981. Case No. 9-582-039.
McQuade, Krista, and Rowland T. Moriarty. "Barco Protection Systems (A)." Boston, MA: Harvard Business School, 1991. Case No. 9-591-133.
"Optical Distortion, Inc. (A)." Boston, MA: Harvard Business School, 1975. Case No. 575-072.
Gourville, John, George Wu, and James Evans. "Tweeter etc." Boston, MA: Harvard Business School, 1996, 1997. Case No. 9-597-028.
Kane, Margaret L., and Thomas V. Bonoma. "Boston Whaler, Incorporated: Managing the Dealer Network." Boston, MA: Harvard Business School, 1983. Case No. 9-584-036.
Von Werssowetz, Richard O., and Howard H. Stevenson. "Michael Bregman." Boston, MA: Harvard Business School, 1983. Case No. 9-383-107.
Shapiro, Roy D., and Bruce Isaacson. "Bose Corporation: The JIT II Program (B)." Boston, MA: Harvard Business School, 1994. Case No. 9-694-002.
———. "Bose Corporation: The JIT II Program (D)." Boston, MA: Harvard Business School, 1994. Case No. 9-694-004.
Background Reading in Course Packet
Thaler, R. "Mental Accounting and Consumer Choice." Marketing Science 4 (1985): 199-214.
Simonson, I. "Get Closer To Your Customers By Understanding How They Make Choices." California Management Review 35, no. 4 (Summer 1993).
Simester, D., and Drazen Prelec. "Always Leave Home Without It: A Further Investigation of the Credit Card Effect on Willingness to Pay." Marketing Letters 12, no. 1: 5-12.
Marketing Strategy I
Collins, D., and Cynthia A. Montgomery. Competing on Resources: Strategy in the 1990s. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1995. ISBN: 0471899496.
Marketing Strategy II
Staff. "Barnes and Noble, Ingram Deal Under Scrutiny." New York Times, Jan 1, 1999.
Staff. "Republic Industries, Toyota Settle Dispute over Dealerships." The Wall Street Journal, Jan 2, 1997.
Product Development
Saunders, P. "The Growth Machine." In Capitalism. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1995, pp. 1-12. ISBN: 0816627983.
"Jager's Gamble." Economist 37, no. 3 (Oct 9, 1999).
Staff. "Know Thyself." Economist 76, no. 76 (1999).
Anderson, E., and Duncan Simester. "Mind Your Pricing Cues." Harvard Business Review 81, no. 9 (Sep 2003).
———. "Are Sale Signs Less Effective When More Products Have Them?" Marketing Science 20, no. 2 (2001): 121-142.
———. "Effects of $9 Price Endings on Retail Sales: Evidence from Field Experiments." Quantitative Marketing and Economics 1, no. 1 (2003): 93-110.
———. "Price Discrimination as a Signal: Why an Offer to Spread Payments May Hurt Demand." Marketing Science 20, no. 3 (2001): 315-327.
Channels I
Milgrom, P., and John Roberts. "Economic Organization and Efficiency." Chapter 2 in Economics, Organization, and Management. Newark, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1992. ISBN: 0132239671.
Gladwell. "Village People." The Guardian, Jan 2, 2001.
Staff. "Categorical Imperatives." Economist, Jan 2, 1997.
Channels II
Simester, D., and Marc Knez. "Direct and Indirect Bargaining Costs and the Scope of the Firm." Journal of Business 75, no. 2 (2002): 283-304.
Channel Conflict on the Internet
Ogilvy, D. "How to Produce Advertising That Sells." Ogilvy on Advertising. New York, NY: Vintage Press, 1985. ISBN: 039472903X.
Elliott, Stuart. "Snuggle Gets An Image Makeover." New York Times, Jan 1, 2003.
Final Class
Trillin, Calvin. "The Red And The White." New Yorker Magazine, Aug 19, 2002, p. 145.
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