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Livada, Val, 15.369 Corporate Entrepreneurship: Strategies for Technology-Based New Business Development, Fall 2007. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed 11 Jul, 2010). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

Corporate Entrepreneurship: Strategies for Technology-Based New Business Development

Fall 2007

A diagram that illustrates innovation ecosystems.
A combination of entrepreneurs, technology, and capital can yield innovation. (Figure from Lecture 5 notes.)

Course Description

This course is about "corporate entrepreneurship", my label for the alternative approaches that existing firms use to generate new technology-based products and businesses. It emphasizes various kinds of internal ventures and multiple "external" collaborative approaches that include corporate venture capital investments, licensing and different types of alliances and formal joint ventures. Basis for the new knowledge presented in this course is a combination of academic research and my personal experience supplemented by that of the several guest lecturers.


Course Description

This course is about "corporate entrepreneurship", my label for the alternative approaches that existing firms use to generate new technology-based products and businesses. It emphasizes various kinds of internal ventures and multiple "external" collaborative approaches that include corporate venture capital investments, licensing and different types of alliances and formal joint ventures. Basis for the new knowledge presented in this course is a combination of academic research and my personal experience supplemented by that of the several guest lecturers.


Grades are based upon:

  1. One individually-written mini-paper that reports very briefly on a real case (in your own organization, unless you receive advance written permission from Prof. Livada) that involved any one of several "alternative strategies for new technology-based product and business development" (3 pages, typed double-spaced); due on or before Ses #4.
  2. A co-authored (by 3 to 5 students, neither more nor less) team term paper (10-12 pages, typed double-spaced) on comparative analyses of two major competitive companies' efforts in the area of either (i) acquisitions or (ii) alliances/joint ventures, or (iii) equity investments (paper due by Ses #7).
  3. Active participation in class discussion, monitored in every class session.


Introduction to course
1 Frameworks for corporate entrepreneurship: static and dynamic perspectives  
Strategies for major new product/business development
2 Multiple mechanisms for internal venturing  
3 Corporate venture capital (CVC): alternative approaches  
4 Collaborative technology acquisition through alliances and joint ventures Mini-paper due
5 Alternate modes for using venture creation/incubation and spinout to aid corporate business development  
6 Using licensing in and out as part of a corporate technology strategy  
7 Integrating internal and external venture strategies Team paper due   Tell A Friend