12.620J covers the fundamental principles of classical mechanics, with a modern emphasis on the qualitative structure of phase space. The course uses computational ideas to formulate the principles of mechanics precisely. Expression in a computational framework encourages clear thinking and active exploration.
The following topics are covered: the Lagrangian formulation, action, variational principles, and equations of motion, Hamilton's principle, conserved quantities, rigid bodies and tops, Hamiltonian formulation and canonical equations, surfaces of section, chaos, canonical transformations and generating functions, Liouville's theorem and Poincaré integral invariants, Poincaré-Birkhoff and KAM theorems, invariant curves and cantori, nonlinear resonances, resonance overlap and transition to chaos, and properties of chaotic motion.
Ideas are illustrated and supported with physical examples. There is extensive use of computing to capture methods, for simulation, and for symbolic analysis.
Joint Subject Offering: 6.946J, 8.351J, 12.620J
Classical Mechanics: A Computational Approach
Prof. Jack Wisdom
Prof. Gerald Jay Sussman
We will study the fundamental principles of classical mechanics, with a modern emphasis on the qualitative structure of phase space. We will use computational ideas to formulate the principles of mechanics precisely. Expression in a computational framework encourages clear thinking and active exploration.
We will consider the following topics: The Lagrangian formulation. Action, variational principles, and equations of motion. Hamilton's principle. Conserved quantities. Rigid bodies and tops. Hamiltonian formulation and canonical equations. Surfaces of section. Chaos. Canonical transformations and generating functions. Liouville's theorem and Poincaré integral invariants. Poincaré-Birkhoff and KAM theorems. Invariant curves and cantori. Nonlinear resonances. Resonance overlap and transition to chaos. Properties of chaotic motion.
Ideas will be illustrated and supported with physical examples. We will make extensive use of computing to capture methods, for simulation, and for symbolic analysis.
This subject awards H-LEVEL Graduate Credit, however the subject is appropriate for undergraduates who have taken the prerequisites. Undergraduates are welcome.
Time to be arranged.
Permission of instructors required.
This section lists the lecture topics for the course, organized by general topic areas.
LEC # |
1 |
Mechanics is More than Equations of Motion |
Lagrangian Mechanics
LEC # |
2 |
Principle of Stationary Action |
3 |
Lagrange Equations |
4 |
Hamilton's Principle |
5 |
Coordinate Transformations and Rigid Constraints |
6 |
Total-time Derivatives and the Euler-Lagrange Operator |
7 |
State and Evolution - Chaos |
8 |
Conserved Quantities |
Rigid Bodies
LEC # |
9 |
Kinematics of Rigid Bodies, Moments of Inertia |
10 |
Generalized Coordinates for Rigid Bodies |
11 |
Motion of a Free Rigid Body |
12 |
Axisymmetric Top |
13 |
Spin-Orbit Coupling |
14 |
Euler's Equations |
Hamiltonian Mechanics
LEC # |
15 |
Hamilton's Equations |
16 |
Legendre Transformation |
17 |
Hamiltonian Action and Poisson Brackets |
18 |
Phase Space Reduction |
19 |
Phase-Space Evolution, Surfaces of Section |
20 |
Autonomous Systems: Henon-Heiles |
21 |
Exponential Divergence, Solar System |
22 |
Liouville Theorem |
Phase Space Structure
LEC # |
23 |
Linear Stability |
24 |
Homoclinic Tangle |
25 |
Integrable Systems |
26 |
Poincare-Birkhoff Theorem |
27 |
Invariant Curves -- KAM Theorem |
Canonical Transformations
LEC # |
28 |
Canonical Transformations |
29 |
Integral Invariants, Extended Phase Space |
30 |
Generating Functions |
31 |
Time Evolution is Canonical |
32 |
Hamilton-Jacobi Equation |
33 |
Lie Transforms |
Perturbation Theory
LEC # |
34 |
Perturbation Theory with Lie Series |
35 |
Small Denominators and Secular Terms |
36 |
Nonlinear Resonances and Resonance Overlap |
37 |
Second-Order Resonances |
38 |
Adiabatic Chaos |