Reading List
Bell, John I. "The Double Helix in Clinical Practice." Nature 421 (23 January 2003): 414-416.
Boffeli, Dario, et al. "Phylogenetic Shadowing of Primate Sequences to Find Functional Regions of the Human Genome." Science 299 (28 February 2003): 1391-1394.
Gilbertson, Richard J., and Steven C. Clifford. "PDGFRB Is Overexpressed in Metastatic Medulloblastoma." Nature Genetics 35, no. 3 (November 2003): 197-198.
Gollust, Sarah E., Sarah Chandros Hull, and Benjamin S. Wilfond. "Limitations of Direct-to-Consumer Advertisingg for Clinical Genetic Testing." Journal of the American Medical Association 288, no. 14 (9 October 2002): 1762-1767.
Green, Mark R. "Targeting Targeted Therapy" (editorial). New England Journal of Medicine 350, no. 21 (20 May 2004): 2191-2193.
Guttmacher, Alan E., and Francis S. Collins. "Genomic Medicine - A Primer." New England Journal of Medicine 347, no. 19 (7 November 2002): 1512-1520.
Harmon, Amy. "As Gene Test Menu Grows, Who Gets to Choose?" New York Times 21 July 2004.
Khoury, Muin J., Linda L. McCabe, and Edward R. McCabe. "Population Screening in the Age of Genomic Medicine." New England Journal of Medicine 348, no. 16 (17 April 2003): 1604-1605.
Korf, Bruce R. "Genetics in Medical Practice." Genetics in Medicine 4, no. 6, supplement (November-December 2002): 10S-14S.
Ledley, Fred. "A Consumer Charter for Genomic Services." Nature Biotechnology 20 (August 2002): 767.
Lohmueller, Kirk E., et al. "Meta-analysis of Genetic Association Studies Supports a Contribution of Common Variants to Susceptibility to Common Disease" (letter). Nature Genetics 33 (February 2003): 177-182.
Lynch, Thomas J., et al. "Activating Mutations in the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Underlying Responsiveness of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer to Gefitinib." New England Journal of Medicine 350, no. 21 (20 May 2004): 2129-2139.
"The Personal Genome Sequencer." Technology Review (November 2002): 76-79.
Rusnak, James M., et al. "Pharmacogenomics: A Clinician's Primer on Emerging Technologies for Improved Patient Care." Mayo Clinic Proceedings 76 (2001): 299-309.
Sharpe, James, et al. "Optical Projection Tomography as a Tool for 3D Microscopy and Gene Expression Studies." Science 296 (19 April 2002): 541-545.
Tefferi, Ayalew, et al. "Primer on Medical Genomics - Part II: Background Principles and Methods in Molecular Genetics." Mayo Clinic Proceedings 77 (2002): 785-808.
Tilstone, Clare. "DNA Microarrays: Vital Statistics." Nature 424 (7 Aug 2003): 610-612.
Varmus, Harold. "Getting Ready for Gene-Based Medicine" (editorial). New England Journal of Medicine 347, no. 19 (7 November 2002): 1526-1527.
Wang, David, et al. "Microarray-based Detection and Genotyping of Viral Pathogens." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99, no. 24 (26 November 2002): 15687-15692.
Other Materials
"Informed Consent for Diagnostic Genetic Testing. Fact Form for Patients. " Société Suisse de Génétique Médicale, Berne, Switzerland, 26 November 2001. (Courtesy of Societe Suisse de Genetique Medicale. Used with permission.)
Test Requisition Form. Athena Diagnostics, Worcester, Mass.